Posting guidelines

Here are a few tips for those creating a new thread :

  • A lot of questions have already been asked here. It might be worth it searching the forum for an answer to your question. The wiki may also have the answer you are searching for, you can use the search function.
  • If you do not get an answer in the forum, maybe try the support mailing list and IRC channel. Please, if you post a question here, then go to IRC where it is answered immediately, come back here to delete the post so that somebody doesn't answer it here for nothing.
  • Please put [[collapsible]][[code]]Your config file's content[[/code]][[/collapsible]] brackets around your copy/pasted configuration files, it makes them much easier to read. Please post your configuration file if you think it has any chance of being relevant.
  • In an effort to combat spam, new users are not allowed to post links. If you need to post a link but can't, post your message, then contact moc.liamg|ruhtra.flow#moc.liamg|ruhtra.flow and I'll add the link myself.
  • If you are not using a Smoothieboard, please mention it.
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