Product Hacking

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Here below is our own Open Hardware Directory.

See also

  1. the Wikipedia list;
  2. the Ohanda product registry has more than 30 registered products in May 2011.
  3. the Open Hardware Catalog, an index of designs that are under a license compliant with the Open Source Hardware Definition


  1. Free Hardware Design, Open Development, Open Customization ; Open Design, Open Hardware, Open Innovation, Open Source, Open Source Product Design, Open Source Hardware
  2. Citizen Product Design; Co-Creation; Co-Design ; Desktop Manufacturing ; Peer Production Entrepreneurs ; Self-organized Design Communities
  3. Typology by degree of openness: Closed Hardware; Open Interface, Open Design, Open Implementation
  4. It is increasingly easy and popular to share and swap physical goods, i.e. Freecycling‎, using Free Stores‎ and FreeSharing Network‎s. See also: Regifting and Regiving
  5. "Light Green Ecology" points to the necessity to conceptualise material streams in a bio-logical way: Spontaneus abundance and upcycling as principles. Free Resources, Cooperative Cycles
  6. Value Network


  1. Citizen Product Design
  2. Community Supported Manufacturing
  3. Co-Creation
  4. Co-Design
  5. Crowdsourced Advertising
  6. Crowdsourced Design
  7. Open Customization
  8. Open Design
  9. Open Source Architecture
  10. Open Source Hardware
  11. Open Source Permaculture
  12. Open Hardware
  13. Open P2P Communities
  14. Open Peer to Peer Design
  15. Open Source Hardware
  16. Open Source Physical Objects
  17. Open Source Product Design
  18. Open Innovation
  19. Peer Production Entrepreneurs
  20. Personal Fabricators
  21. RepRap
  22. Self-organized Design Communities


Other Directories

  1. The Open source hardware page of the Wikipedia contains many links; See also the Open hardware category page
  2. For news updates on product hacking, see the list maintained by Stephen Vermeulen at
  3. The Open Innovations Project has a well organized, and updated directory of projects which is the best place to gauge the maturity of the various projects. While it as at present not as comprehensive as this list, it has a lot more details per project, and is organized as a real database.
  4. The 2008 Open Source Hardware Directory from Makezine, is conceived as a gift catalogue for hardware hackers.
  5. Oriented to hardware machines, this Thingiverse directory of open designs appears the most sophisticated at present.
  6. Harkopen: an open hardware community with project hosting
  7. Open Collector has a database with open hardware and hardware design tools.
  8. Hardware on Debian Linux - a collection of portals, projects, and tools.
  9. Open Hardware Repository - for electronic hardware designers
  10. Thingiverse is a repository reaching far beyond electronic hardware, rather its for all physical objects that are designed digitally. The special feature is that it lists tools for realisation, Tracks people who design, people who make and people who use.

Development Toolkits

  1. Alliance, free CAD tools and portable libraries for VLSI design
  2. Arduino, an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software.
  3. BeagleBoard - an ultra-low cost, high performance, low power platform for embedded devices with laptop-like performance.
  4. Bluespec, a software tool developed at MIT for designing and testing circuits, making life easier for open-source-hardware engineers
  5. Fritzing, an open-source initiative to support designers, artists, researchers and hobbyists to take the step from physical prototyping to actual product
  6. Gadget Board is a low cost, user friendly microcontroller experimentation board.
  7. Gainer - an environment for user interfaces and media installations to handle sensors and/or actuators with a PC on various programming environments.
  8. LEOX, Complete, free, open source, set of hardware and software components usable to build an embedded computer with its operating system that can be incorporated easily into a FPGA or into an ASIC...
  9. LiberLab, a DIY digital lab at a very low price
  10. Open CASCADE - software development platform freely available in open source.
  11. RepLab


  1. Adafruit Industries, sells kits and parts for original, open source hardware electronics projects
  2. Evil Mad Scientist: (OSH electronics)- USA
  3. Eyebeam Atelier: open source hardware lab
  4. Liquidware: open source electronics shop
  5. Modern Device Company (OSH electronics)- Rhode Island, USA
  6. an open source web site under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license: in which generative design methods are used to create new forms of products with the use of rapid prototyping methods. It allows members to login, download, upload and create designs.
  7. North-by-South, a San Francisco-based company specializing in open source development projects in the Americas
  8. NORTD (OSH + OSS multitouch)- New York USA and Austria EU
  9. Oomlout: (OSH electronics)- Vancouver BC
  10. open furniture: OF is an open source platform that exhanges and sells designs. The concept of this effort is to create a company that can be profitable while, at the same time, can keep its interest in the idea of sharing and exchanging. The platform is open to anyone interested in design and it functions based on a point system that facilitates users to download and fabricate products.
  11. Open Pattern - Embedded Systems Engineering (OSH) - Paris, France
  12. Ponoko: 3D Printing shop
  13. SourceShop - an Open Source Platform: SourceShop is a shop of digitally fabricated designer products that can be purchased by anybody. This exchange intends to go beyond its commercial aspect by expanding knowledge towards the world of digital fabrication. The main goal of SourceShop is to share knowledge between students, participants and all interested people of digital fabrication.
  14. SparkFun Electronics - Colorado USA (e.g. Lilypad, Arduino pro and PCB design libraries)
  15. Traversal Technologies - U.K.


  1. Piksel festival for free/libre and open source audiovisual software, hardware and art


  1. Open Hardware Foundation [1]
  2. Open Hardware Initiative: Lobbying for Open Source Hardware [2]
  3. Shared Design Alliance

Places for Learning

  1. Fab Academy
  2. Hackerspaces

Reference Sites:

  1. Appropedia
  2. DesignBreak
  3. InventGeek
  4. Instructables
  5. Makezine: magazine for the DIY makers community [3]
  6. Open Circuits, a wiki for sharing open source electronics knowledge, schematics, board layouts, ports and parts libraries
  7. Open Cores, a loose collection of people who are interested in developing hardware, with a similar ethos to the free software movement"
  8. Open Sustainability Network and its Standarrd blog
  9. SPI, founded to help organizations develop and distribute open hardware and software.
  10. TaskForge

Other Resources

  1. Open Hardware License [4]
  2. OpenShorts Podcast: a record of hackable products

Open Products Directory: Electronics


  • s = software open source / developer community
  • h = hardware open for manufacturing

For an alternative topic organization, see the Appropedia Topic Tree

Open CPU

For all updates, go here at

  • Amber is an ARM-compatible 32-bit RISC processor. Amber implements the ARMv2 instruction set.
  • BeeBoard: Low-cost CPU compatible with the popular Arduino’s dev tools
  • Coreboot [5], aimed at replacing the proprietary BIOS (firmware)
  • E-Risc: a scaleable RISC microprocessor for embedded applications
  • F-CPU, Freedom CPU project initiated in mid-1998.
  • Gumstix: the world's smallest full function, open source computers.
  • LEON is an open source 32-bit SPARC-like CPU created by the ESA. It's the standard CPU for the European Space Industry.
  • Milkymist SoC, featuring the LatticeMico32 microprocessor core, has a complete set of independently developed open source system-on-chip cores such as a SDRAM controller, bus components, graphics accelerators and a variety of I/O devices.
  • OpenCores is a loose community of designers that supports open-source cores (logic designs) for CPUs, peripherals and other devices. OpenCores maintains an open-source on-chip interconnection bus specification called Wishbone.
  • OpenRISC is a group of developers working to produce a very-high-performance open-source RISC CPU.
  • Open SPARC [6] is a project with an already created UltraSPARC T1 multicore chip by Sun Microsystems. As of August 2007 a T2 chip is also in the pipeline Sun's OpenSPARC
  • OpenRISC is a group of developers working to produce a very high performance open source RISC CPU.
  • Minnowboard is an online community dedicated to the support of Open Hardware utilizing Intel processors.

Designs that Include a CPU

  • ASoC (ALSA System on Chip).
  • Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple I/O board and a development environment that implements the open source Processing / Wiring language. Arduino Nano is a small 16MHz embedded micro controller
  • produces open arm-based development boards, aimed at OEMs and further education.
  • BoardX: An open source motherboard where everything is a plugin - even processors and power supplies
  • Ethernut - open-source electronics prototyping platform for building tiny Embedded Ethernet Devices.
  • Maple - open-source Arduino-compatible development hardware based on an ARM Cortex-M3 microprocessor designed by LeafLabs, a company focused on open-source hardware.
  • Milkymist One – Single-board computer implementing all the core logic with open source Verilog HDL design files, which is confidential and proprietary in most other open-source hardware computers. It is an interactive VJ station featuring the open-source Milkymist SoC as CPU
  • Minimig – a re-implementation of an Amiga 500 using a field-programmable gate array (FPGA).* OpenBook - tablet design, positioning between $100 laptop and consumer Tablet PC´s price, which wants allow tablet usage to masses by high volume production.
  • OpenPCD - Open RFID reader/writer project, using AT91SAM7S128 microcontroller.
  • Pinguino - open-source electronics prototyping platform based on PIC (Microchip). A alternative is the Jaluino board supported by the JAL compiler (JAL). There is support for both hardware and software.
  • PLAICE - an open source hardware and software project developing a powerful in-circuit development tool that combines in one device the

features of a FLASH Programmer, Memory Emulator, and High Speed Multi-Channel Logic Analyzer. It runs uClinux.

  • Sanguino: Arduino work-alike, but smaller, board based upon the ATMega644P
  • SquidBee - Open Mote based in Arduino for developing sensor networks. "Open Hardware and Source wireless sensor device. The goal of SquidBee is getting an "open mote" to create Sensor Networks"
  • Tinkerforge - Bricks and Bricklets (Modular hardware kit).

Graphics cards

Other Electronic Parts and Components

  1. BeagleBoard - an ultra-low cost, high performance, low power platform for embedded devices with laptop-like performance.
  2. Bus Pirate, an open source hacker multi-tool that talks to electronic stuff.
  3. CATkit microcontroller kit by Tom Schouten
  4. Create USB Interface: artist-driven microcontroller project
  5. Ethernut, Open Source Hardware and Software Project for building tiny Embedded Ethernet Devices
  6. Etherrape: Microcontroller with ethernet
  7. ExpressPCB, manufactures self-designed motherboards
  8. Free IO
  9. Gadget Board is a low cost, user friendly microcontroller experimentation board.
  10. Little Bits: an opensource library of discrete electronic components pre-assembled in tiny circuit boards
  11. Manticore, an open source hardware design for a 3D graphics accelerator
  12. Octopus USB: different Interfaces from the world of microcontroller over an easy USB interface
  13. Scrying low-power radio boards by Martin Howse

Open eBook Reader

  1. Microtouch

Amateur Radio

  1. CB PLL Board - Prototype microprocessor tuning for CB & 10 Meter Radios.
  2. ClockTamer - configurable clock generator for the use with USRP and other radio equipment.
  3. Ettus Research USRP: universal software radio peripheral product (USRP) hardware and daughter boards for software radio. I
  4. Homebrew D-STAR Radio
  5. Open HPSDR, or: High Performance Software Defined Radio [9]
  6. RHINO Platform - a software defined radio intended board with Spartan-6 FPGA and the ARM Cortex-A8 core, running BORPH Linux.
  7. Universal Software Radio Peripheral

Audio Electronics

  1. MIDIbox The MIDIbox project is an open source modular DIY hardware and software platform for MIDI devices like controllers, synthesizers, sequencers
  2. Monome 40h - A reconfigurable grid of sixty-four backlit buttons, used via USB. A limited batch of 500 monome 40h has been produced. All the design process, design specifications, firmware and PCB schematics are available online
  3. Neuros Digital Audio Computer an open source portable digital audio player

Video Electronics

  1. Milkymist: open source solution for the live synthesis of interactive visual effects for VJs
  2. Neuros OSD an open source digital video recorder

Open Computers

  1. Ben Nanonote ultra small form factor computing device review
  2. Bug Labs, a programmable hardware device, The Bug, run on open source software Bugbase s
  3. ECB AT91 - Single-board computer based on the Atmel AT91RM9200 ARM9 processor (180 MHz).
  4. ECB ATmega32/644 - Single-board computer based on the Atmel ATmega32/644 (20 MHz) with webserver-capability and less than 100mA power consumption
  5. Novena
  6. OLinuXino is an open-hardware single-board computer running Android (operating system) and Linux designed by OLIMEX Ltd in Bulgaria.
  7. OLPC XO-1, One Laptop Per Child project
  8. Open OEM - Project to build the first open source computer,
  9. Open Source Laptop
  10. Pandora - a handheld game console designed to take advantage of existing open source software and to be a target for home-brew development.
  11. PC532 - a personal computer design based on the NS32532 microprocessor, released in 1990.
  12. Qi Hardware NanoNote: an open source hardware handheld mobile PC
  13. Simputer - handheld computer aimed at developing countries
  14. Touch Book ... and Touch Book OS
  15. Via OpenBook: only the case design is open
  16. Zero Dollar Laptop

Open Computer Accessories

  1. Fair Mouse

Open Telephones

  1. Android, Google's open handset project ; Android Open Accessory Development Kit: Open Standard for Android Accessories
  2. Flow DIY, an open source hardware platform so anyone can make a smartphone with the Android operating system
  3. Free Telephony Project, Astfin provides free reference designs for embedded telephony. s,h
  4. GTA04, Open Smartphone using OpenMoko
  5. IP04 Four Port IP-PBX: Open Hardware Four Port IP-PBX
  6. IP08 Eight Port IP-PBX: Similar to IP04 with 8 ports. Will be produced by Atcom.
  7. Maemo: Open source software development kit for mobile internet devices. Founded and maintained by Nokia for there N770, N800, N810 internet tablets.
  8. Mesh Potato: A Wi-Fi mesh router and SIP client for analog phones
  9. OMAP Zoom: Enables innovative devices and services to market on all leading mobile operating systems, including Android, Linux, LiMo, Symbian OS, etc..
  10. OpenBTS and OsmoBTS - Open source software based GSM base stations.
  11. Open Handset Alliance
  12. - an RFID-enabled Open Cellphone project, also called 'TuxPhone'
  13. Open Mobile Gadgets
  14. Open Moko - open phone framework (see Open Mobile Telephony) - update; OpenMoko’s Neo FreeRunner: open source smartphone
  15. Open Pandora [10] - the ultimate open source handheld device.
  16. OsmoBTS - Open source software based GSM base station
  17. Phonebloks: modular phone / open hardware
  18. Project Ara: Motorola's modular phone open hardware project
  19. TuxPhone A project to develop open-source (hardware and software) GSM/GPRS cellphone.
  20. Ucasterisk, free hardware designs for telephone systems. Both the hardware and software are open.

Open Wireless Hardware

  1. Gray-Hoverman Antenna: For UHF Television Reception
  2. Open Pattern [11], embedded electronics for wireless
  3. Openpicus – Open-source platform for smart sensors and Internet of things
  4. Open Router, i.e. Netgear Open Router WGR614L [12]
  5. Pinoccio, the Wireless Mesh Network Micro-Controller
  6. PowWow Power Optimized Hardware and Software FrameWork for Wireless Motes is an open source hardware and software platform for wireless sensor networks.
  7. RedBee open source/hardware 802.15.4 development system based on the Freescale MC13224V ARM7 radio.
  8. Sun SPOT is an open source hardware and software platform for sensor networks and battery powered, wireless, embedded development
  9. Twibright RONJA – Open-source free-space optic system, DIY in a garage, 10 Mbit/s full duplex/1.4 km
  10. USRP universal software radio peripheral is a mainboard with snap in modules providing software defined radio at different frequencies, it has a USB 2.0 link to its host computer.
  11. Wireless Mesh Network Micro-Controller, the Pinoccio

Other devices primarily based on Electronic Components

See the Hardware Product Canvas which contains the electrical-mechanical components (or simply parts) contained in hardware:


  1. Apertus, aims to produce “an affordable community driven free software and open hardware cinematic HD camera for a professional production environment”.
  2. Craft Camera ; D.I.Y digital camera made of a cardboard case and an electronic system powered by Arduino [13]
  3. Elphel, cameras and imaging solutionss,h
  4. Fab Camera: A simple digital camera that can be easily created in a fablab, a hackerspace
  5. Frankencamera, Open Source Camera
  6. leanXcam
  7. Lux [14]: 100% open source camera
  8. Open 3D Printed Camera, see Open Reflex
  9. Open Reflex: an Open-Source analog 3D Printed Camera
  10. Xué - reconfigurable network camera based on the Milkymist system-on-chip.


Some common communication parts:

  1. @Bluetooth (
  2. Infra-Red (IR) (
  3. USB (
  4. Wifi (
  5. ZigBee (


For status updates go here at

  1. Arduino GamePack[16], an Open Source Game Player
  2. Fuzebox: fully open-source, DIY 8-bit game console
  3. GP2X an open-source, Linux-based handheld video game console and media player created and sold by GamePark Holdings of South Korea.
  4. Open Pandora: Linux based gaming console
  5. Uzebox: An open source game console


  1. Fnordlicht:Intelligent Moodlight
  2. Green LED Lamp]: works with renewable energy
  3. LED Throwies - non-destructive graffiti and light displays
  4. Monome 40h - A reconfigurable grid of sixty-four backlit buttons, used via USB. A limited batch of 500 monome 40h has been produced. All the design process, design specifications, firmware and PCB schematics are available online
  5. Night Brights, the entire making process of the lights is open source and shared publicly
  6. Semitone Open Dimmer Project: he development of comfortable standalone digital light dimmers for home use
  7. Strobit Triggr Project:
  8. SpokePOV and MiniPOV - "Spoke POV is an easy-to-make electronic kit toy that turns your bicycle wheel into a customized display!"

Music & Music Electronics

  1. Arduinome
  2. Aurora: music mixer for DJ's
  3. AVR Butterfly MP3: Open design for a portable MP3 player, in both hardware and software
  4. AX84 Firefly: The Cooperative Tube Guitar Amp Project
  5. Daisy MP3 Player s,h
  6. eChanter: electronic bagpipe chanter
  7. Meeblip
  8. MIDIbox The MIDIbox project is an open source modular DIY hardware and software platform for MIDI devices like controllers, synthesizers, sequencers
  9. Monome: a midi controller for computer-based music that uses community-created, open-source software [17]
  10. Niftymitter: short range FM transmitter based on open source hardware design, handy for small scale radio broadcasts, building a distributed PA system for performances, linking your personal audio player to your car radio, or for general audio experimentation.
  11. Open Pipe ; [18]  ; replicates a Galician BagPipe thanks to Arduino Technology
  12. Open Source Guitar. See: Zoybar, [19]
  13. Open Source Monome
  14. Open Source Music Hardware
  15. Open Source Supercapacitor-Powered Portable Speakers, the helium speakers from Blueshift
  16. SpiffChorder: a platform for building your own USB-based chording keyboard
  17. Stoicheia a dual gate Euclidean sequencer
  18. Traxmod: a small digital audio player using the Microchip PIC32 high speed microcontroller chip
  19. Universal Software Radio Peripheral
  20. x0xb0x, "Roland" MIDI synthesizer
  21. Zoybar: open design guitar [20] that can morph into other instruments [21] [22]


Some common processing parts:

  1. Atmel 8-bit Microcontroller (
  2. Energy Micro ARM Processor (
  3. Xilinx FPGA (


See also: Open Source Robotics

  1. Arduino Controlled Servo Robot (SERB)
  2. Basic Pentapod: Basic Pentapodal Robot, Servo Driven, Plans for a Laser Cutter
  3. DARwIn-OP project [23], an Open Platform Humanoid Project
  4. e-puck mobile robot, an open-hardware, education oriented, mobile robot.
  5. The Humanoid Project
  6. ICub
  7. InMoov, a Open Source 3D Printed Robot
  8. iRobot Create: preassembled mobile robot platform
  9. Open Βionics: an open-source initiative for the development of affordable, light-weight, modular robot hands and prosthetic devices, that can be easily reproduced using off-the-shelf materials
  10. Open Platform Humanoid Project: See DARwIn-OP project at
  11. Open Source 3D Printed Robot
  12. Open Source Humanoid Platform
  13. Open Source Robotic Arm: A Laser-cut Robotic Arm
  14. Open Source Robotics
  15. Open Robotic Platform see: Romotive
  16. Open Source Underwater Robots; see: OpenRov
  17. OpenRAVE
  18. OpenRov, a DIY telerobotics community centered around underwater exploration & adventure.
  19. OpenServo - creating a low cost digital servo for use with RC and robotics projects.
  20. Orb swarm
  21. Poppy, humanoid robot
  22. Protei, open-hardware shape-shifting Sailing Robot
  23. Raven, an open source robotic surgeon
  24. The Robot Operating System of Willow Garage [24]
  25. RobotCub
  26. Roboy, open source robot
  27. Romotive, an Open Robotic Platform
  28. Roomba, hackable Vacuuming Robots
  29. Spykee
  30. Swarm Robot: "All of the hardware and software is open (in the GPL sense), including parts lists, circuit board and chassis designs, and software." [25]
  31. Willow Project [26], Open Source Robotics


  1. AVR Butterfly Logger: uses the Atmel AVR Butterfly hardware and open source tools to create a cost effective stand alone datalogger for logging light, temperature, voltage or any general sensor value
  2. CFree: high quality telescope optics
  3. Gainer - an environment for user interfaces and media installations to handle sensors and/or actuators with a PC on various programming environments.
  4. Muio, a modular system for sensing and controlling the Real World s,h
  5. SENSORICA, optical sensing, now focused on optical fiber-based displacement/force sensing for biomedical applications and moving towards lab-on-a-chip bio-chemical sensing, for water and soil testing and food quality control and certification.
  6. CMUcam, open source programmable embedded color vision sensors.

Common sensor parts [27]:

  1. Accelerometer (
  2. Optical Light Sensor (
  3. Microphone (
  4. Gyro (
  5. Humidity & Temperature (


Some common storage parts [28]:

  1. Flash Memory (
  2. SD Card Slot (
  3. EEPROM (


  1. Chumby, a powerful little device with Wi-Fi, a 3.5-inch screen and an interface that you can customize s
  2. gEDA - full GPL'd suite of Electronic Design Automation tools.
  3. iLiad: electronic handheld device which can be used for document reading and editing.
  4. Jaldi Battery Charger s,h
  5. Neuros LINK: a TVPC that connects your TV to the Internet.
  6. Neuros Technology and its OSD Open Source Device
  7. Open Beacon: a free design for an active RFID device
  8. Open Bios, Open Firmware implementations
  9. Open Eyes: an open-hardware open-source system for low-cost eye tracking
  10. Open FM
  11. Open GPS Tracker
  12. Open Micromanufacturing and Nanomanufacturing Equipment
  13. Open PCD: a free hardware design for Proximity Coupling Devices or Open RFID Reader
  14. Open-rTMS - creating a low cost rTMS device and free software to go with it.
  15. OKVM Project, open source console and KVM management software / open source KVM hardware.
  16. Roku Netflix Player [29]
  17. Ronja by Twibright Labs, optical point-to-point data link device
  18. Ybox, an internet connected set-top box

User Interface and Experience

Some common user interface parts [30]:

  1. Indicator LED (
  2. Push Button (
  3. SPST Switch (
  4. Rotary Dial (
  5. LED Matrix (
  6. LCD Screen (
  7. E-INK Display (

Open Products Directory: Other

'Ready to Use' Consumer Electronics

  1. Chumby: "The internet-alarm clock-information-station does more than just run Linux. With a 3.5” touchscreen, an ARM9, integrated Wi-Fi, and an accelerometer, all wrapped up in a rotund, friendly enclosure, there’s no question that it’s a bona fide consumer gadget."
  2. The VIA OpenBook was a concept for an open source hardware netbook released in 2008. Unfortunately, while VIA has long since launched other netbooks, it seems like this was more a marketing attempt than a full-fledged project.
  3. Qi Hardware NanoNote: an open source hardware handheld mobile PC
  4. OpenMoko’s Neo FreeRunner: open source smartphone

Agriculture, Development, Energy, Environment, and Sustainability

Related categories: Agrifood, Energy.

For status updates, go here at

  1. Agua Clara, a project for [Open Design Water Treatment Plants]]
  2. algOS - Oil from Algae Open Source [31]
  3. Appropedia Foundation; Website with wiki and forum on open sustainable hardware and related projects[32]
  4. GardenBot, a Open Source Garden Monitoring System
  5. Global Village Construction Set by Open Source Ecology
  6. Good Stove Cost and energy efficient stoves for the use in developing countries [33]
  7. FarmBot
  8. HydroBot standalone Open Source Hydroponics Garden Controller built around Arduino Mega.
  9. Open Green Tech Database: e5 interlinks Clean Tech companies, research institutes, actors from the Open Source movement, legal experts and development organisations
  10. Mosquino: a software-compatible derivative of the open-source Arduino platform that is designed for extremely low power consumption, operating from ambient (harvested) environmental energy sources such as heat, sunlight and vibration.
  11. Open Bug Farms
  12. Open Design Water Treatment Plants: see the Agua Clara project
  13. Open Photons, openPhotons - An open access laser based sensor platform is a National Science Foundation sponsored program to develop better photonic sensing technology.
  14. Open-Source Automated Precision Farming Machine, see: FarmBot
  15. Open Source Beehives Project
  16. Open Source Drinks
  17. Open Source Garden Monitoring System : GardenBot
  18. Open Source Mate
  19. Open Source Solar USB Charger
  20. Open Sustainability Network
  21. Open Shaspa: Social Energy Tracker
  22. OSCirrus, expandable, open source software weather station built on inexpensive hardware and weather sensors.
  23. Precious Plastics
  24. Protei - An Open Hardware Oil Spill Cleaning Sailing Robot (funding stage at 3/2011)
  25. SparkFun Gas Sensors - is an open source hardware, online retail store. They offer a handful of devices for gas detection
  26. Tweet-a-Watt]: Social Energy Tracker
  27. Your Green Dream: for diy renewable communities
  28. WxMonitor, Open Source Weather Monitoring


  1. Absorber Roof:low cost solar absorbing roofing material, details in the public domain
  2. AlgaeFarm project: an open source hardware project to design and build an automated small-scale photobioreactor for the cultivation of microalgae. The project aims "to create a safe, affordable, and multi-feature reactor that increases the viability of small-scale photobioreactors for school research and science fair projects, biofuel research and development, growing your own fish food, etc."
  3. Arduino MPPT Solar charge controller: an open source Arduino based MPPT 12v solar charge controller for lead-acid battery.
  4. Build-It-Solar - Plans and tools and information to do renewable energy and conservation projects.
  5. Canuckle: designed to be the LEGO of alternative energy. The first project is a highly accurate solar tracker
  6. CleanInventors Solar Tracker:Solar Tracker using Arduino.#Concentrated Solar Power Open Source Initiative ; (CSPOSI) - Project Archimedes: hybrid thermal solar collector for distributed power generation and water purification; Software and electronics hardware for concentrated solar power under GNU General Public License [34]
  7. DiVER, i.e. Open Source Direct Current Low Voltage Electrical Grid
  8. Free Charge Controller project: an open source charge controller using MPPT to maximize power delivery from alternative energy sources. In its current state, it is designed to interface a 60 watt solar panel to charge a battery, but alternative input sources and loads are planned.
  9. Gasifier Experimenter Kit: biomass gasifiers that are ready for everyday use, to serve distributed energy needs.
  10. KitRad [35] – They build DIY wind turbines for decentralized power supply
  11. Onawi: Open Source Wind Turbine Designs
  12. Open Energy Monitor: [36]a project to develop and build open source energy monitoring and analysis tools for energy efficiency and distributed renewable microgeneration.
  13. Open Source Arduino Sun, see Heliostat Projects
  14. Open Source Biogas
  15. Open Source Direct Current Low Voltage Electrical Grid, see DiVER
  16. Open Source Gasifiers
  17. Open Source Hardware Small Wind Turbines
  18. Open Source Solar Pocket Factory
  19. Open Source Solar Steam Engine
  20. Open Source Wind Turbines: To assist people in the developing countries, and hobbyists alike, several projects have been open-sourced, e.g. the Jua Kali wind turbine, Hugh Piggot's wind turbine, ForceField Wind Turbine, et cetera; see also the Open Source Wind Turbine Designs of Onawi
  21. Power Cube: a modular, universal, self-contained power unit
  22. SHPEGS Open Energy Project (Solar Heat Pump Electrical Generation System): open concept for a renewable base load power station for moderate climates, based on solar and geothermal heat [37]
  23. SolarFire project: An open source linear reflecting fresnel solar concentrator. It is intended to be used by small industries and agricultural purposes, replacing use of coal and wood fires.It is also being deployed by Open Source Ecology project.
  24. Solar Flower: an open source solar energy collector which can be made very easily from common recycled and salvaged materials [38]
  25. SolaRoof, open design of solar energy for households
  26. Twibright Exciter pedal-poweder Self-Excited Induction Generator (SEIG) giving directly mains voltage based on cheap 3-phase induction motor
  27. Wireless Logging System for Sourcing Energy
  28. Wilssen Controller
  29. Zoetrope Open Source Wind Turbine

Food and Agriculture


  1. Agua Clara
  2. AKVO, open source water and sanitation [40]
  3. Akvopedia: open database on smart and affordable water and sanitation technology, open to be contributed, edited and used
  4. CheapStat, a Open Source Potentiostat
  5. FairCap - An Open Water Filter Project [41]
  6. Open Design Water Treatment Plants ; see: Agua Clara
  7. Open Source Potentiostat, cfr CheapStat
  8. Open Source Water Quality Monitoring‎ ; ;see: Open Water Project‎‎
  9. Open Source Water Quality Sensors
  10. Open Water Project‎‎
  11. Open Waters
  12. ShowerLoop: re-use water for showering, in real-time
  13. Urban Open Source Irrigation System

Building and Housing, Furniture

  1. AtFab Digitally Manufactured Furniture
  2. Auram CEB Block System] developed at Auroville India: This is the most advanced CEB block system in existence. Sort-of open in that they claim the technology is offered free to the world to use, but don't publish exact plans for anything
  3. Backcountry Boiler - kickstarter supported long tail manufacturing of an ultralight outdoor kettle
  4. Contraptor: aiming to create an open-design construction set,
  5. DIY Magic Mirror - An Arduino, open source based interactive Magic Mirror with home automation and Halloween features.
  6. Domeorama
  7. FOUNDhouse, a Open-Source Mobile Microhouse‎
  8. Fragment Store]: modular self-combined fragments of design furniture
  9. Freebus - an Open Source Home Automation System
  10. Good Stove, open source stove for the poor
  11. Grid Beam Building System, reuseable parts for building
  12. Hexayurt, an open source disaster relief shelter
  13. Ikea Hacker Do it yourself blog on the base of corporate products
  14. KNX@Home is an open source free building control server for everybody whose house has got an integrated KNX/EIB-Bus.
  15. Impulsive Furnishing Unit, cnc machine on a plywood palette, miniature furniture factory
  16. Liberator, aka "Open Farm Tech's Liberator Compressed Earth Block machine; [42]
  17. Makerbeam
  18. MIT House-n 'chassis' system
  19. Mmodulus: modular open source furniture system [43]
  20. Movisi Open Design Furniture
  21. [ One Day Chair: Chair design for a CNC cutter
  22. Open Architecture Network
  23. Open Code Urban Furniture
  24. Open Desk is a collection of simple furniture, designed to be cut by a CNC machine
  25. Open Remote, an Open Domotics community
  26. Open Sailing: modular marine architecture
  27. Open Source Cooling: KippKitts is designing open-source low-voltage (24V), high-efficiency (@2A) DC cooling units (air-conditioner/cpu cooler/refigeration) [44]
  28. Open Source Furniture (20 Open Source Furniture Designs)
  29. Open Source Geopolymer Cast Stone Construction; eopolymer House blog [45]
  30. Open Source House: 2 project; most recent is here; more Open Source House Designs
  31. Open Source Induction Furnace Project
  32. Open-Source Mobile Microhouse‎, see: FOUNDhouse
  33. Open Source Pedal-Powered Household Appliances
  34. Open Source Thermostat
  35. Open Source Washing Machine OSWASH
  36. Open Straw is an Open Source Prefab Strawbale House that can be built for $7k


  1. Open Structures Project; and other Open Source Construction Systems
  2. SketchChair is a free, open-source software tool that allows anyone to easily design and build their own digitally fabricated furniture.
  3. WikiHouse: fabricated from locally sourced plywood cut on a CNC mill from openly shared template files, and assembled with minimal skill by local people.

Entertainment, Fashion, Leisure and Learning

  1. Aibo Hack: for Sony's Aibo and some other pet robots, see
  2. Circuit Bending
  3. Clothing Printer, see Open Knit
  4. DIY Book Scanner
  5. Lego Factory, design your own kits, in the corporate framework
  6. Lilypad: wearable microcontrollers and other electonic components,
  7. LugNet, design your own Lego kits, outside the corporate framework
  8. Natron und Soda: German language sewing community
  9. Niketalk: open sneaker community
  10. Open Hardware Book Scanners
  11. Open Knit
  12. Open Source Camera, Stanford University's 'frankencamera' platform
  13. The Open Source Embroidery project
  14. Open Source Fashion Design Software
  15. Open Source Knitting Machine, see Open Knit
  16. Open Source Sewing Patterns such as Burdastyle
  17. Pamoyo, open source green fashion label
  18. PlaymoBeach: Customizing of Playmobil
  19. Pleo: a toy dinosaur baby robot which is able to behave. The behavior is of course just software... The company producing Pleo is actively supporting community by making the product open for software. See also:
  20. [Pret a Printer], TShirt Designs by Taskforge
  21. Ravelry: a knit and crochet community
  22. Zero Prestige, has captured much of the kiteboarding market through a website for sharing the plans of kites
  23. Zoybar: an Open Design Guitar

Food, Drinks

  1. Beer 2 Beer, Facebook group
  2. CandyFab Project, do it yourself sugar printer
  3. Curto Cafe, open source coffee project in Brazil, with Sergio Venuto (Facebook group)
  4. Eliodomestico is a solar household still for the developing countries (purifies salted water to make it drinkable)
  5. Free Beer
  6. Open Club Mate
  7. Open Cola
  8. Open Source Beehives
  9. Open Source Beer Brewing Control Systems; See BrewTroller at
  10. Open Source Breath Analyzer, DrinkShield Arduino
  11. Open Source Kitchen
  12. Open Source Water Boiler and Purifier
  13. Solar Cooking
  14. Wine Hacking


Related categories: Health

  1. BioBricks: refer to a specific "brand" of open source genetic parts as defined via an open technical standards setting process that is led by the BioBricks Foundation
  2. Dental X-ray Machine
  3. EyeWriter Project, low-cost, eye-tracking glasses & free, open-source software that allows writers and artists with paralysis to draw and communicate using only their eyes
  4. InVesalius, a brazilian open source medical imaging 3D reconstruction software
  5. Myopen Signal Processor: Skin surface human interface device. Interpret muscle movements for video gaming, prosthetic control, robotic teleoperation and more.
  6. Open Βionics: an open-source initiative for the development of affordable, light-weight, modular robot hands and prosthetic devices, that can be easily reproduced using off-the-shelf materials
  7. Open EEG
  8. Open source solar hearing-aid charger by Godisa Technologies
  9. Open Source Pharma (speculation)
  10. Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD)
  11. OpenStim: The Open Noninvasive Brain Stimulator (see also)
  12. Open Prosthetics Project
  13. Open Source Computed Tomography Scanner ("open CT scanner")
  14. Open Source Dentistry
  15. Open Source Geiger Counter ; Geiger Maps Jp
  16. Open Source Insulin
  17. Open Source Medicine
  18. Open Spirometry: low cost, open source spirometer
  19. Pandemic ventilator
  20. Polonator: the Open Source Genome Sequencer
  21. Raven, an open source robotic surgeon
  22. Robohand, customizable, open and hackable prostetics
  23. Whirlwind Wheelchair International

Mobility: Vehicles

Related categories: Transportation.


  1. 40 Fires Foundation: venture behind River Simple's Hybran project
  2. C3 is the 100 mpg, Open Source Commuter Car being developed by Wikispeed
  3. C,mm,n [47], Dutch Open Source Car project
  4. eCorolla – Finnish electric car project
  5. EDAG Open Source Light Car
  6. Electric Vehicle - A simple lightweight EV platform, via Instructables
  7. EVProduction club ([48]) is an organization with a wiki to design and produce open source electric vehicles and complements
  8. Fiat Mio - A crowdsourced concept car [49]
  9. Freematics
  10. Local Motors: = maker of the Rally Fighter, a car designed through Crowdsourcing, first to go into production
  11. Open Source Green Vehicle, an attempt to design an environmental friendly SUV using open source principles.
  12. Open Source Hydrogen Car: the Riversimple project
  13. Open Source Vehicle Telematics ; see: Freematics
  14. OpenOtto: he project's goal: "to provide complete free and open access to the networked electronic devices in an automobile."
  15. OSCar
  16. OSCav : open source compressed air vehicle.
  17. Project Splitwheel Venture involving Caterham Cars (put on hold due to credit crunch].
  18. Riversimple Urban Car
  19. Sahkoautot, Electric Cars Now!, Finnish project
  20. Solar Vehicles [50], an open-source project to build fuel-less solar energy transportation.
  21. Strati: first ever driving 3D printed car
  22. StreetScooter, a $7,000 EV with a 74 mph top speed and an 80-mile range created by a collaboration of more than 50 companies
  23. Tabby
  24. Trexa: A modular platform for designers of battery-powered Open Source Electric Vehicles
  25. Trev, Two-Seater Renewable Energy Vehicle
  26. Build Your Own Electric Car
  27. Converting a Mitsubishi to electric with step by step videos.
  28. Vehicle Design Summit 2.0: aims to create a 4-passenger, 200 MPGe, high-performance industry-standard car with minimal life cycle costs
  29. Wikispeed: 100 mpg sports car, followed by C3 commuter car

Bicycles, motorbikes and scooters

  1. Atomic Duck: = an Open Source Velomobile: “a velomobile—an enclosed, human-powered vehicle (HPV). “ in open design. [51]
  2. DIY Cargobike
  3. eCagiva: eCars Now related conversion project for the Cagiva Freccia C10 -89
  4. eMoped: light weight electric motorcycle from Letsevo in Brazil
  5. Open Bicycle Computer: to show and log data that are important when you are on the road with your bicycle
  6. Open Bicycle Jackets
  7. Open Moto X: TTXGP electric race bike.
  8. Open Source Scooter, a project to make a Segway-type vehicle
  9. Open Source Trike
  10. Open Source Velomobile and other Open Source Velomobile Development Projects
  11. Spaceframe Bikes
  12. Vélo M²
  13. Worldbike, read What is open source bycicle design?
  14. Xtracycle: open design for bicycle
  15. XYC Cargo


  1. How to build a 72Volt electric motorcycle

Airborne vehicles

  1. AeroModeller2: research into an autonomous self-generating hydrogen-based zero-emission low-cost low-tech nomad houseboat airship
  2. AeroQuad is an open-source hardware and software project dedicated to the construction of remote controlled four-rotor helicopters
  3. Air Data Instrument: Arduino-based instrument which reads ambient air pressure, ambient air temperature, and differential air pressure, as well as incorporating a real-time clock.
  4. ARIA, i.e. Autonomous Roadless Intelligent Array, an open source autonomous logistics infrastructure using drones, i.e. unmanned planes (see: Open Source Unmanned Aerial System)
  5. ArduCopter: Arduino-based autopilot for mulitrotor craft, from quadcopters to traditional helis [52]
  6. ArduPilot: a family of open source autopilots based on the Arduino open source computing platform. It consists of a choice of ArduPilot Mega (APM) electronics and a range of free software versions for different vehicles [53]
  7. DIY Drones, amateur Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  8. DIY Open-Source Aerial Surveillance
  9. Lisa S
  10. MakerPlane
  11. Microkopter: German 'quadrokopter' miniature helicopter community
  12. Open Pilot [54], diy drones?
  13. Open Source Aviation: see the MakerPlane
  14. Open Source Avionics
  15. Open Source Drone Autopilot System, based on the Lisa/S chip
  16. Open Source MAVs
  17. Open Source Micro Air Vehicles
  18. Open Source Next Generation Multicopter: UAVP stands for "Universal Aerial Video Platform". It is a flying object, ideally suited for making aerial videos and photos (aerial photography [55]
  19. Open Source Remote-Controlled Aircraft

Space Transportation

Background at: Open Source Spaceflight Hardware Movement‎‎

  1. ArduSat
  2. CisLunarFreighter/Open source tools [56]
  3. DIY Rockets
  4. Mach30, Open Source Spaceflight Hardware
  5. NASA Will Tinker With Open-Source Rocket for Return to Moon [57]
  6. Open Aerospace
  7. OpenLuna Foundation
  8. Open Source Spaceflight Hardware
  9. Open Space Movement
  10. Wikisat

For an updated directory, see also: [58]

Other Astronomy tools:

  1. qrpTracker is a satellite tracking program that works on the popular and easy-to-program Arduino

platform [59]

  1. ISS Notify, "Lights up when the International Space Station is overhead", [60]
  2. Mars Rover Curiosity Notify, for RSS feeds of all the new images from the latest Mars rover Curiosity.
  3. Open Notify, front end for some of NASA’s awesome data.
  4. Star Seeker Telescope Mount [61]


  1. OpenROV, a DIY telerobotics community centered around underwater exploration & adventure. [62]
  2. Open Buoy
  3. Open Sailing
  4. Open Source Sailing Drone: see Protei
  5. Open Waterbike [63]
  6. Pine-strip Kayak
  7. Protei, an Open Source Sailing Drone
  8. Open Source Vessels
  9. Xmaran: a project to develop an open source sail cruiser that will form the basis for a modular floating community.


  1. Do-it-yourself Electronic Fuel Injection [64]
  2. Open Source Battery Project for Electric Vehicles
  3. LifeTrac, tractor, also called OSTrac, the Open Source Tractor
  4. Open Source Satellite Initiative, making D.I.Y. satellites [65]
  5. OSMC - An open source Motor Control project, meant primarily for robotics but applicable to low-power electric vehicles and other uses
  6. Society for Sustainable Mobility
  7. Transportable Infrastructures for Development and Emergency Support: 7 critical infrastructures


  1. Adafruit Motor/Stepper: Full-featured motor shield that will be able to power many simple to medium-complexity projects.
  2. AnniRouter, an open hardware CNC router
  3. axCut [66] ; open source laser cutter
  4. Callooh, A free hardware CNC router project
  5. Clanking Replicator Project is a bootstrap 3D printer that can make you pretty much anything that can be made from plastic
  6. Contraptor [67]: a DIY open source construction set for experimental personal fabrication, desktop manufacturing, prototyping and bootstrapping.
  7. The CubeSpawn Project, an Open Source, Flexible Manufacturing System
  8. Desktop CNC router - A three axis cnc machine that can be easily built using standard, home handyman level, tools.
  9. DIYLILCNC: CNC project
  10. Fabaroni is a homemade 3D printer
  11. Fab@Home: a project dedicated to making and using fabbers - machines that can make almost anything, right on your desktop
  12. Filabot, the Open Source Filament Maker
  13. Global Village Construction Set: A project to design open source versions of 50 different sustainability related machines.
  14. Homebuilt Electric Melting Furnace; melt aluminium at home
  15. LAOS Laser, another open-source laser cutter[
  16. Lasersaur: Open Source Laser Cutter
  17. LifeTrac, a tractor from the Open Source Ecology project
  18. Makerbot, a project of RepRap; see also Makerbot Industries
  19. MakerSlide, linear bearing system
  20. MakerScanner‎, a completely open source 3D-scanner
  21. Mantis CNC: CNC project
  22. MAS863 - a simple home 3D scanner
  23. The micRo universal fabricator is a unique system which can be used for both additive (printing) and subtractive (milling, cutting) fabrication. It is a precise, modular tool which allows you to create complex objects out of wood, metal, plastic and more. From: Lumen Lab
  24. Microfactories, like oomlout's wire cutting system [68]
  25. Multimachine, all-purpose machine tool, an example of Multiple-Purpose Production Technology
  26. Open Automation Project engineers modular software and electronic components, from which it is possible to assemble an intelligent PC-based mobile robot suitable for home or office environments.
  27. Open 3DP
  28. Open Grasp, an open source simulation toolkit for grasping and dexterous manipulation
  29. Open Hardware Repository [69]
  30. Open Source 3D Scanner, see MakerScanner
  31. Open Source CNC Milling Machine
  32. Open Source CNC Systems
  33. Open Source Filament Maker: see Filabot
  34. Open Source Hardware Desktop CNC Milling Machine
  35. Open Source Integrated Circuits
  36. Open Source Machine - Home of The MultiMachine, an all-purpose machine tool that can be built by a semi-skilled mechanic with just common hand tools.
  37. Open Source Powder-Based 3D Printer: Pwdr
  38. Open Source Torch Table, see RepTab
  39. Open Source XMOS Based CNC Laser Engraver Controller
  40. OSMIlling , an open hardware milling machine project
  41. OSLOOM [70], an open source thread controlled loom
  42. P3P, see Open 3DP, powder-based personal 3D printer student project [71]
  43. Pervado: see OSMilling
  44. Pick and Place Project: To develop a low cost, reproducible, open-source pick and place system for automated SMT electronics assembly.
  45. Portable Open Source 3D Printer:, [72]
  46. Pwdr is an open source powder-based rapid prototyping machine
  47. Recyclebot
  48. RedBlueCNC: CNC project
  49. RepRap - Replicating Rapid-prototyper is a self-copying 3D printer - a self-replicating machine.
  50. RepTab: a CNC plasma torch table (cuts through steel), by Open Source Ecology
  51. Ronen Kadushin Open Design - a practical repository of physical shape algorithms
  52. ShapeOko, another open hardware CNC router, desktop variety
  53. Tantillus, home of the portable open source 3D printer [73]
  54. Thingiverse [74]: This is a place to share digital designs that can be made into real, physical objects.
  55. Ultimaker, an open hardware 3D printer
  56. Lego3DPrintingMachine, an open-source and open-hardware Greek project


For Astronomy, tools see under Space Transportation!

  1. CFree: high quality telescope optics, for astronomy
  2. CheapStat: An Open-Source, “Do-It-Yourself” Potentiostat for Analytical and Educational Applications [75]
  3. DremelFuge - A One-Piece Centrifuge for Rotary Tools
  4. Open BCI: "Dedicated to open-source innovation of human-computer interface technologies".
  5. FLOAT Beijing, an Open Source Air Quality Monitor Kite Project
  6. Handwave Skin Conductance Sensor
  7. LavaAmp‎‎, open prc, dna diagnostic tool
  8. Motion Capture System Using Accelerometers [76]
  9. Open Gel Box, produced by Pearl Biotech, one of the DIYbio Companies
  10. Open-H20, Open source hardware for the ocean.
  11. Open Optogenetics
  12. Open PCR, a project to build one of the OpenPCR machines; an Open Source kitset based on an Arduino [77]; see also: Open qPCR Machine
  13. Open qPCR Machine
  14. Open rTMS Project = open 'god helmet' project [78]
  15. Open Source Air Quality Monitor Kite Project
  16. Open Source Bio-Amplifier, the Spiker Box from Backyard Brains
  17. Open Source Electrophysiology: see Open Ephys
  18. Open Ephys
  19. Open Source Human-Computer Interface Technologies: see Open BCI
  20. Open Lab Tools
  21. Open PCR
  22. Open Source Geiger Counter ; Geiger Maps Jp ; See also: [79]; [80]
  23. Open Source Microscope
  24. Open Source Ocean Hardware
  25. Open Source Photosynthesis Measurement Device; see Photosync at [81]
  26. Open-Source Potentiostat, see CheapStat: An Open-Source, “Do-It-Yourself” Potentiostat for Analytical and Educational Applications [82]
  27. Open Source Spectral Data
  28. Open Source Thermocycler
  29. OpenROV, a DIY telerobotics community centered around underwater exploration & adventure. [83]
  30. Pearl Gel Box, an Open Hardware Electrophoresis Gel Box (genetics) (from Pearl Biotech?)
  31. Photosync: a low cost, hand-held measurement device which researchers, educators, and citizen scientists can use to build a global database of plant health.
  32. Pranav Mistry, the SixthSense Augmented Realitysystem [84]
  33. Public Lab DIY Spectrometry Kit
  34. RS-232 Radiation Logger
  35. Spiker Box, the Open Source Bio-Amplifier from Backyard Brains
  36. Tricorder Project, open source handheld devices that can sense a diverse array of phenomena that we can't normally see

See also:

  1. Open Science Hardware
  2. Open Hardware for the Environment

More Information

  1. For update on new projects, we recommend this feed from the Open Innovation Projects directory.
  2. To discuss this topic in portuguese, refer to this wave: Manufatura Aberta e suas Implicações.