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I need your support

Most of you probably know that OctoPrint’s development has been heavily sponsored by BQ since August 2014, mostly by employing me (Gina Häußge) full time for working on it. If you've been following OctoPrint since before that, you've seen what enormous change in pace that has allowed me to achieve and what it has made possible. To give just one example, the plugin system was a behemoth to implement and I wouldn't have been able to make it this powerful without being able to concentrate on it exclusively.

All this would not have been possible if OctoPrint hadn't become my full time project. It wouldn't have been possible if I'd had to try to get this work done on evenings, weekends or my vacations, constantly losing focus and having to recover my steps. So far, the bill for this heavy involvement on my part has been paid by BQ. And if you look into the commit history, it becomes pretty evident how heavy that involvement really is. Sadly, due to reasons that are beyond my control, BQ’s patronage is not possible much longer. I'm indescribably grateful they've sponsored my work for as long as they did, and I fully understand the reason why that's simply not possible any more now.

I think I've created a very powerful piece of software here. I enjoy working on it, I enjoy helping people by enabling them to optimize and automate their 3d printing workflow, on top of remote controlling and monitoring their machines. I would love to continue to work full time on OctoPrint, to keep implementing the many ideas I've envisioned for it but have not yet gotten around to, like a way more granular access control system, even more extendability, making it easier to support additional printer protocols via plugins and so on. But since I have bills to pay, it isn't enough for me to love what I'm doing here, I also need to be able to afford that dedication. In a nutshell, it is plain impossible for me to spend this much time and energy on something that is not my job.

You've seen what I've been able to do over the past couple of years. I promise you that if I'm able to continue working at this level of involvement, more awesome things are going to happen. If you love OctoPrint and believe in its potential and my skills to get it there, please consider supporting me on Patreon.

My contract with BQ ends in a couple of weeks. I should hopefully still be able to continue working on OctoPrint for some time after this, to see if it becomes financially viable to commit to do this long term through community funding.

If it doesn't, I'll have to find myself a regular full time job again, and - to be completely honest here - that would probably be the end of my involvement in OctoPrint. I maintained and developed this project for one and a half years next to a full time day job as a software architect before I got hired by BQ, and from that experience I know that this won't work. I can't do this properly as an after-hours/weekend side project, and I also won't attempt that anymore considering what it did to my life and health the last time. I'm telling you this because I think I have to give you all the facts to enable you to see the whole picture and to make an informed decision, and this is sadly how things are.

But no matter how things turn out, OctoPrint will of course stay open source, and you’ll always have what’s already there to use and improve on, even if I have to step away from it.

TLDR Please support me on Patreon.

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Photo du profil de Jim ChristiansenPhoto du profil de Steve PearsonPhoto du profil de Alex TutusausPhoto du profil de Mario Lurig
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Most of the new features don't really get used by me. That being said, I know many a place, including the maker space I'm a part of, that will and I know more and more people use it every day, especially with the OctoPi build. So yeah, I'm in.

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New OctoPi Release: 0.13.0

+Guy Sheffer just released a new version of OctoPi, version 0.13.0.

The long awaited release brings not only Raspberry Pi 3 (and Zero) support out of the box by being based on Raspbian Jessie, but also utilizes the new lite image as base for the build, meaning the download size could be halfed.

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Photo du profil de OctoPrintPhoto du profil de Christian Frühauf
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But I have the same Problem with the Pi Camera. 
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Some updates on the RPi3 situation

For those of you already having an RPi3 and wondering why we still haven't pushed a new OctoPi release based on the apparently working 0.13 nightlies - we are awaiting a resolution of two issues with the internal wifi chipset of the RPi3 in Raspbian, or rather the included driver.

One problem is that the wifi driver as included on the current official raspbian base image (which OctoPi is being based on) has some issues with its power management functionality, causing the wifi connection to drop after some idle time and not getting back up again. This can be circumvented by disabling power management in the driver by adding "wireless-power off" to the wifi configuration in /boot/octopi-network.txt, or possible through an rpi-update or apt-get upgrade (which so far we haven't been able to test ourselves), and we actually could include that in the 0.13 release and just call it a day, even though we'd rather have that fixed in the driver in a proper Raspbian base image. But...

There's a second issue observed by at least Alexander Nyberg (which I'd love to tag here but the G+ UI won't let me...) and possible others - still trying to figure that out - where the wifi driver produces a full blown kernel oops with a system crash as the consequence. Which is not that big of a problem if you happen to be running a simple desktop on a Pi3 (apart from being annoying and potentially losing you what you were just working on), but becomes a serious issue if you happen to be just printing and then the printer staying on with the heaters active. We so far do not know if the RPi guys are addressing this problem too with a driver update or not (we've reached out though).

Until this has been clarified, a new stable release with explicit Pi3 support doesn't make much sense, since at this point we have to assume there are still severe issues with the Pi3 hardware + drivers.

For anyone interested in the discussion on this, take a look into this ticket on the OctoPi bug tracker:
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OctoPrint, OctoPi and the RPi3

Yes, I've seen the news too.

No, I don't have one yet, I hope that changes soon. In the meantime, based on the information I do have, this is what I expect:

Yes, OctoPrint should work just fine (at least I'd be very surprised if it didn't, since OctoPrint itself runs basically everywhere Python does run).

No, the current stable OctoPi 0.12 release doesn't. We need to build a new one for that based on the current raspbian lite release [...] Apparently current 0.13 nightlies, which are still built against the Raspbian release from November, are working (Raspbian's release notes suggested otherwise), so use nightlies until a new stable release is published (no ETA yet, sorry).

Yes, the new Pi is slightly faster and clocks in at 300MHz more per core, but thanks to Python's so called global interpreter lock or GIL, OctoPrint can only use one of the four cores at the moment. That means that it's probably rather unlikely you will notice significant speed ups when switching from a Pi2 to a Pi3, so if you are already on a Pi2, no need to throw it out of the window and/or to update immediately (especially due to the image situation). If you only have a Pi1 so far and were thinking about upgrading anyhow, I'd go for a Pi3 though after the initial rush calms down a bit.

Unsure: The on board Wi-Fi might support access point mode. If so that will get interesting in the future to make setting up your OctoPi image even easier than editing our octopi-network.txt file, but that is something further down the road.

Edit Updated to reflect that apparently current nightlies are compatible after all, contrary to what the Raspbian release notes indicate. Thanks +Mert G​​ for the heads up.

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Photo du profil de Lace PiecesPhoto du profil de Sorin Stefan NicolinPhoto du profil de OctoPrint
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It's on its way, I just don't have it yet.

Plus, I have to admit I kinda am tired a bit of interrupting work on everything on the drop of a hat each time the Pi people decide to drop new hardware out of the blue. 
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Little question regarding the "pi" password on OctoPi

I have a little question for you.

To make it easier for people to change their initial password for their OctoPi installation, I've been looking into a little script that automatically changes the password to one in a file on the SD card, within the /boot partition that's accessible when you use the SD card like a USB thumbdrive.

In principle that works fine now. Right after flashing your SD card, you can create a little file octopi-password.txt right next to the octopi-network.txt file you have to edit for your WiFi credentials anyhow, and just enter your password. On the next boot, it will be read, the password will be set and the file deleted. So far so easy.

Problem is, it's a security hole, and every Linux admin will probably turn green on the thought. Anyone with physical access to your SD card, or with write access to your /boot partition (usually that necessitates sudo though) can easily change the password of the user pi that way. It's not as nightmarish as being able to change that password from within the OctoPrint UI (no, just no), but it's still a big downside.

The question is, how big. Is it acceptable in your eyes? It certainly would make initial setup far easier, since you wouldn't even have to fiddle around with an SSH client anymore necessarily, you could just edit everything right there on the system you flash your SD card on and have the image take care of the rest. I've also created a similar script for easily changing the host name, so you can configure myprinter.local as address instead of octopi.local without having to touch a shell, and the file system now also auto-expands on the first boot. That command line part where all that was done so far seems to be somewhat challenging for a lot of users, but since it's so important maybe making it easier would in the long run lead to less instances still running the default password...

Opinions? Flame wars? Better ideas? :)
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Photo du profil de OctoPrintPhoto du profil de Andreas GohrPhoto du profil de Magnus HermanssonPhoto du profil de techied
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If you could make a self destructive file that changes the password then deletes itself and the password file that might make it a bit harder to exploit
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It's this time of the year again ;) Happy holidays! 
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Photo du profil de Lluis VilarrubiesPhoto du profil de David BassettiPhoto du profil de Gary Tolley - GrogyanPhoto du profil de James Rivera
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Happy Holidays back atchya! :-D
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Yes, new version of the Pi, no, don't have it yet to test OctoPi with it

Naturally will report back once that changes though ;)
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The newest Raspberry Pi costs just $5, and is available to buy now. It's free with the December issue of +The MagPi, in UK stores today.
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Of all the things we do at Raspberry Pi, driving down the cost of computer hardware remains one of the most important. Even in the developed world, a programmable computer is a luxury item for a lot of people, and every extra dollar that we ask someone to spend decreases the chance that they’ll choose …
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Photo du profil de Roman StepanovPhoto du profil de Liam JacksonPhoto du profil de Guy Sheffer
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There is a nightly build ready 
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New release: 1.2.11

This shiny new release contains two new pieces of functionality on top of the usual fixes of bugs and little annoyances, the “About” dialog and the Announcement Plugin.

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OctoPi 0.13 release candidate needs testers

+Guy Sheffer​ just published a release candidate for the next OctoPi release 0.13, which besides supporting the Pi3 also adds some fixes and on top of that reduces the image size significantly by switching to the Raspbian Jessie Lite base image.

If you've been waiting for a new release, this is your chance to give the candidate a test drive and report any findings back so we can make sure the release is solid!

Please comment on the shared post as linked below :)
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Hey all,
Finally, here is a release candidate for OctoPi 0.13.0!
The main features are: RaspberryPi 3 support, Raspbian Jessie with which is only a third of the size.
There are also wifi fixes and many other things.
For developers - there is a new Vagrant build system available now.

Download it at:

Bananapi M1 (New variants expected at 0.14.0):

Comments are appreciated so we know if this is a good candidate for the release.
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New release: 1.2.10

This should have been released way faster after 1.2.9, since it fixes two bugs introduced by this release, but a nasty flu that's making the rounds in Germany got in the way of this. While this time we have mostly fixes of bugs and little annoyances, at least a hand full of minor improvements also made it into this release:

* The performance of the console output during plugin installation and deinstallation was improved.
* Some performance improvements in the communication layer were done.
* The "firmware error" message introduced in the last release was reworded to make it more obvious that a general communication error occured.
* OctoPrint now allows management of .mp4 timelapse files, which is of interest to people who've taken to using a wrapper script to generate those instead of .mpg files. See the release notes for details on this.
* A bunch of less commonly used configuration options in the Serial settings got their own "Advanced options" section.

Since most changes this time happened under the hood, no screen shots, sorry ;)

Find the full changelog and release notes here:

It may take up to 24h for your update notification to pop up, so don't be alarmed if it doesn't show up immediately after reading this.

If you don't get an "Update Now" button with your update notification, read this: or - even more specifically - this:

If you do get an "Update Now" button but the update is immediately reported to be successful without any changes, read this:

If you have any problems with your OctoPrint installation, please seek support in the G+ Community or the Mailinglist (see the links below). The comments here are not a good place for that, neither are Twitter, Facebook or private mails :)

Further Information & Links:



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Photo du profil de René JurackPhoto du profil de Patrick SmithPhoto du profil de Mark Walker
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Sorry, I meant: , but that other thread was interesting too.
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New release: 1.2.9

The first release of 2016 brings you a whole basket full of fixes of bugs and little annoyances and of course also a couple of improvements of existing functionality, for example:

* OctoPrint now displays a link to the release notes of an updated component in the update notification, the update confirmation and the version overview in the settings dialog. Please always make sure to at least skim over the release notes for new OctoPrint releases, they might contain important information that you need to know before updating.
* Snapshots for timelapses are now named in a non-colliding, job-based way, allowing a new timelapse to start while the other is still being rendered (although printing with an active timelapse rendering job is not recommended and will be solved with a proper render job queue in a later version). Timelapses that were not successfully rendered are kept for 7 days (configurable, although not via the UI so far) and can be manually rendered or deleted through a new UI component within the timelapse tab that shows up if unrendered timelapses are detected.
* OctoPrint now serves an intermediary page upon start that informs the user about the server still starting up. Once the server is detected as running, the page automatically switches to the standard interface.
* Added option to ignore any unhandled errors reported by the firmware and another option to only cancel ongoing prints on unhandled errors from the firmware (instead of instant disconnect that so far was the default).
* The file upload dialog will now only display files having an extension that's supported for upload.

... and many other things. Find the full changelog and release notes here:

If you don't get an "Update Now" button with your update notification, read this: or - even more specifically - this:

If you do get an "Update Now" button but the update is immediately reported to be successful without any changes, read this:

If you have any problems with your OctoPrint installation, please seek support in the G+ Community or the Mailinglist (see the links below). The comments here are not a good place for that, neither are Twitter or private mails :)

Further Information & Links:



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G+ Community:


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Photo du profil de Patrick WiattPhoto du profil de Bryan MaylandPhoto du profil de OctoPrint
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That was a close one in fact, I'm not at the top of my game at the moment ;)
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New release: 1.2.8

The most important thing right at the beginning: If you are currently running version 1.2.7 you'll need to install the "Updatefix 1.2.7" plugin from the plugin repository before you can update your OctoPrint installation.

Version 1.2.7 sadly contains a bug that breaks updating OctoPrint. When attempting to update, you'll simply get presented with an "update successful" message, but nothing was actually updated. Version 1.2.8 contains a fix, but naturally we have a hen-egg-problem here. To allow you updating to 1.2.8, a plugin was made available that basically backports the needed fix to 1.2.7 by monkey patching your existing installation during runtime: "Updatefix 1.2.7". It can be found in the plugin repository and can be installed directly through your plugin manager - just refresh the plugin list from the repository (via the little wrench icon in the plugin manager install dialog) if it doesn't show up immediately when you search for "update".

The section "A bug in 1.2.7 prevents directly updating to 1.2.8, here's what to do" in the release notes explains everything and also offers you a work around if you can't or don't want to install the plugin. The FAQ has been updated as well.

Another thing you might stumble over after updating to 1.2.8 is the fact that OctoPrint no longer displays the bed temperature graph and controls unless your printer profile has the "Heated Bed" option checked. So if you suddenly find yourself without access to your printer's bed temperature, make sure to check that checkbox. The release notes also have a heads-up regarding this under the section "Bed temperatures are now only displayed if printer profile has a heated bed configured".

Besides those two gotchas, this release again contains mostly fixes of bugs and annoyances, but also a couple of improvements:

* The web interface and translation files are now cached indefinitely on the server side (instead of only 5min so far). That should improve performance upon reloads.
* Firmware error responses containing the strings "unknown command", "cannot open" and "cannot enter" are now recognized as non-critical errors and no longer cause a disconnect.
* The browser tab visibility is now tracked by the web interface, disabling the webcam and the GCODE viewer if the tab containing OctoPrint is not active. That should reduce client-side resource usage.
* The printer log in the terminal tab will now be cut off after 3000 lines even if autoscroll is disabled. That should prevent your browser from running out of memory if you accidentally leave that off.

Find the full changelog and release notes here:

If you don't get an "Update Now" button with your update notification, read this: or - even more specifically - this:

If you do get an "Update Now" button but the update is immediately reported to be successful without any changes, read this:

If you have any problems with your OctoPrint installation, please seek support in the G+ Community or the Mailinglist (see the links below). The comments here are not a good place for that, neither are Twitter or private mails :)

Further Information & Links:



Contribution Guidelines:

How to file a bug report:

G+ Community:


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Photo du profil de René JurackPhoto du profil de Yuan LIUPhoto du profil de OctoPrint
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+Yuan LIU​ I suggest to ask your printer manufacturer about that. That's not an official version. 
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Photo du profil de Mateusz Skowroński
The snappy web interface for your 3D printer.

OctoPrint provides a responsive web interface for controlling a 3D printer (RepRap, Ultimaker, ...). It currently allows

  • uploading .gcode files to the server and managing them via the UI
  • selecting a file for printing, getting the usual stats regarding filament length etc (stats can be disabled for faster initial processing)
  • starting, pausing and canceling a print job
  • while connected to the printer, gaining information regarding the current temperature of both head and bed (if available) in a nice shiny javascript-y temperature graph
  • while printing, gaining information regarding the current progress of the print job (height, percentage etc)
  • reading the communication log and send arbitrary codes to be executed by the printer
  • moving the X, Y and Z axis (jog controls), extruding, retracting and custom controls
  • changing the speed modifiers for inner & outer wall, fill and support
  • optional: visual monitoring of the printer via webcam stream integrated into the UI (using e.g. MJPG-Streamer)
  • optional: creation of timelapse recordings of the printjob via webcam stream (using e.g. MJPG-Streamer) -- currently two timelaspe methods are implemented, triggering a shot on z-layer change or every "n" seconds