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Thomas Sanladerer
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Thomas Sanladerer

Guides  - 
Don't know which hotend to choose for your printer? While there's no one-size-fits-all pick, some are better suited for certain jobs than others.
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Photo du profil de Björn MarlPhoto du profil de Thomas SanladererPhoto du profil de Paweł Dobrowolski
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+Thomas Sanladerer  I think that I should send you my Lama3D with 0.8mm nozzle for tests. What do you think about testing it?
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Thomas Sanladerer

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Nothing will stay the same!

Patreon campaign at
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Photo du profil de Ron HunnPhoto du profil de Hakan EvirgenPhoto du profil de Kevin DelaneyPhoto du profil de René Jurack
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Mutig! Aber ich bin dabei!
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Thomas Sanladerer

Show-n-tell  - 
This hotend gets seriously hot at up to 500°C! This does come with a few trade-offs, so is it worth it in the end?
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Photo du profil de Mark FullerPhoto du profil de Taylor LandryPhoto du profil de Jeff DeMaagdPhoto du profil de Brandon Satterfield
26 commentaires
Uhm. Nice extruder. Thanks for the review Tom.
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Thomas Sanladerer

Show-n-tell  - 
Why does everything i make have to look like a bomb? Well, i guess I'm okay with it as long as it works and it allows me to run this 24V Dyze Design Hotend on my 12V printer... 
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Photo du profil de David SextonPhoto du profil de Alexander PritchardPhoto du profil de Antonio PalmeiraPhoto du profil de Alex Gibson
20 commentaires
Thanks Thomas, most helpful as it matches my experience trying wider belts.
I will be using a CoreXY and so the extra 8mm height taken up by going from 6-10mm belts is probably not worth any reduction in ringing. Will be using IGUS polymer bearings soon though, and hopefully thus removing the ball bearing vibration.
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Thomas Sanladerer

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Time to clean out the watercooling loop! There's so much gunk in there that the pump can barely move any water around - which might have been pretty much my own fault. Never properly cleaned it before, never ran any of the fluids actually made for watercooling. 
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Photo du profil de Stephen BairdPhoto du profil de ThantiKPhoto du profil de Thomas SanladererPhoto du profil de Tony Olivo
15 commentaires
On the topic of heat transfer, distilled water has better heat transfer than anti-freeze mixes, at the obvious cost of lack of anti-corrosion and anti-microbial agents. However, in power conversion equipment that will drive us toward a 30/70 ethylene glycol/water mix in some applications rather than a standard automotive 50/50.
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Thomas Sanladerer

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Finally a 3DP Kickstarter i can feel good about recommending!
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Campaign is finally live! Please reshare if possible.
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A thoughtfully designed delta 3D printer kit.
6 commentaires sur le post initial
Photo du profil de David PittmanPhoto du profil de Griffin PaquettePhoto du profil de Billy ZelsnackPhoto du profil de Jon Gordon
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She looks clean for sure.
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Photo du profil de Brian Bland
Photo du profil de My cast polyamide
Photo du profil de Kartik Jangam
Photo du profil de Miguel Ángel Casanova
Photo du profil de Daliana Pacuraru
Photo du profil de Víctor Navarro-Fuster
Photo du profil de Xiaojun Liu
Photo du profil de Nico Wurstnase
Photo du profil de igus Inc.

Thomas Sanladerer

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Gotta love the efficiency of the German (mandatory) healthcare system: Cut open my shin with a tile this morning, walked into the ER, got four stitches, doc was like well, if you need to finish your job with those tiles, go right ahead!
That entire hospital visit took a total of 20 minutes, didn't have to do any paperwork, didn't cost me a single penny and i'm right back to working order! Well, obviously, solely soft work for the next few days.
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Photo du profil de Addidis     noPhoto du profil de Nathan WalknerPhoto du profil de Louise DriggersPhoto du profil de Jeremie Francois
14 commentaires
+Nathan Walkner wow... I never get it why such a small "job" costs so much. A significant part probably goes into their own insurance (say, in case the medics are themselves sued by the "clients", etc). The whole system is so preemptively aggressive that it ends up sucking money from society into the pockets of lawyers in the end, fo no other benefit :/
In Europe, healthcare is not considered as much as a regular commercial service: making money out of one another's health issues is somehow evil. Now we are slowly heading to more liberal healthcare economy anyway, with poorer having more and more trouble getting the same service :/ This is still order of magnitudes less of a problem of course.
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Thomas Sanladerer

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Any gaming geeks around here? ;-)
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The Glitch Mob
The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army (The Glitch Mob Remix) by The Glitch Mob
Photo du profil de Lukas Obermann
Yes, and I hope that they make it a awesome game!
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Thomas Sanladerer

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One of the advantage of being a trusted 3DP review dude: Getting review units before everyone else 😁
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Photo du profil de Thomas SanladererPhoto du profil de Elf TabletPhoto du profil de Mike DiMare
19 commentaires
+Adrian Ciubotariu +3D Printing Nerd​ agreed, very different channels but all three unique. I love all the videos, gret work all around.
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Thomas Sanladerer

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Water loop is back in the PC, everything is back where it should be wrt temperatures and flow rates. Here's what i've learned:
- Denatured ethanol is hard to tell from a bottle of EK coolant when you grab it in a pinch - neither causes any damage when you fill up a loop with it, but one of the two is probably the smarter way to go ;)
- A water loop can develop an incredible biosphere if you don't take the time to clean it properly once in a while and don't use proper biocides. Some of the pictures show the particles i kept finding in there next to 11/8mm hardware.
- If you have any sort of water cooling system where there's any chance of particles forming, use a filter that is finer than your cooling element. Otherwise the cooling element itself will act as a filter (which is bad).
- Cillit Bang orange (acidic cleaner) eats nickel and copper - some of my fittings now have "bald spots" where the copper pre-plating shows.
- Water cooling is nice and all, but a good air cooling system is probably the smarter, cheaper and more reliable way to go. But it's also kinda boring ;-)
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Photo du profil de ThantiKPhoto du profil de Thomas SanladererPhoto du profil de Stephen BairdPhoto du profil de Doug Rector
4 commentaires
Whether it's water or air cooled they require regular maintenance.  Having spent the past 20+ years fixing computers I can safely say that over 90% of all hardware failures are caused by dust, dirt and crud. Especially on computers owned by heavy smokers. Nicotine + Dust = thick, sticky, smelly gunk over all cooling surfaces. 
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Thomas Sanladerer

Show-n-tell  - 
Does every Titan need to be big? Turns out E3D's big guy does a great job even when used in its smallest configuration!
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Photo du profil de Mark Moissette (ckaos)Photo du profil de Ax Smith-LaffinPhoto du profil de Thomas SanladererPhoto du profil de Thomas Walter (“Balu”)
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I saw that and thought it was missing a few dimensions, but I guess the NEMA17 size is the base for the rest...
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Thomas Sanladerer

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It's spring. Which means that, for the next 6 months, I'll get to enjoy the sounds of lawnmowers in glorious 7.1 surround! 
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Photo du profil de Hakan EvirgenPhoto du profil de Tim SmeedPhoto du profil de Nathaniel StenzelPhoto du profil de Guy Sheffer
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And we get it digitally recorded with reviews in the background?
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Photo du profil de Brian Bland
Photo du profil de My cast polyamide
Photo du profil de Kartik Jangam
Photo du profil de Miguel Ángel Casanova
Photo du profil de Daliana Pacuraru
Photo du profil de Víctor Navarro-Fuster
Photo du profil de Xiaojun Liu
Photo du profil de Nico Wurstnase
Photo du profil de igus Inc.
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