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Matej Rozman
Ancien lieu de résidence : Velenje
80 abonnés|378 329 consultations
Matej Rozman
Partagé en mode public -Almost 2k $ - keep it coming
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Matej Rozman
Partagé en mode public -SOCA RIVER (pron. Socha) This is the colour of the water in Slovenia's rivers and lakes...The very second the water passes the border into its neighbouring countries, the colour goes back to Blah!!
The first time I saw it for real was as I little boy in 1989 and have been captured by it ever since.
The first time I saw it for real was as I little boy in 1989 and have been captured by it ever since.
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Matej Rozman
General discussion -My way of solving PLA jams with E3D hotend. Please knowtice the oval hole in the fan mount for cooling PLA. This is redirecting some of the air to the SS barel of the E3D and breaking heat convection from the heater to cold end. Sorry for rendered image, but you should get the idea what is all about.

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My plugging problem was discovered to be too aggressive retraction numbers. Changing KISSlicer from 1.25 to .25 greatly improved performance.
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Matej Rozman
Partagé en mode public -1

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+Klemen Zhivko kWh baterij stane cca. 400€. Cena predelave je odvisna od količine baterij, moči motorja itn...S Twingom delam med 120 in 180km z enim polnjenjem, je pa že na cesti ja, že 14000km. Nekaj podatkov se najde tukaj:
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Matej Rozman
Show-n-tell -Here is just to show the power of a delta. Maybe a reply to the discussion about changing resolution across build platform. This job came just in time to see if it shows, and guess what, I cant see any problems whatsoever, and this print was really really tight squizee onto the work space. As you can see its not all about the resolution, its more about repeatability.
Otherwise, this is a print for customer, so I cant share any more pictures/details, but its getting a paint job so the customer can evaluate the design as its goona look out of production before making a mould for injection moulding. One more interesting thing, its 100% filled. This is one of the demands we get quite often, so the customer can evaluate both the real weight and also mimic strenght of the part.
Otherwise, this is a print for customer, so I cant share any more pictures/details, but its getting a paint job so the customer can evaluate the design as its goona look out of production before making a mould for injection moulding. One more interesting thing, its 100% filled. This is one of the demands we get quite often, so the customer can evaluate both the real weight and also mimic strenght of the part.

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What is happening that +Johann Rocholl 's script cleans up? I've recently started using KISSlicer and mostly like it; but I feel like I am still fighting it some.
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Matej Rozman
Show-n-tell -There arent many posts on 3d printing use in industry, so Iet me show you how we use it in the development of new products. Already developing new products for 2017 and this is first prototype of the speareguns we will be making out of carbon fibre.
We started research in fabruary, done preliminary designes, choose harware supliers and then onto prototyping so we get some professional users feedback of whats good and whats not. If all goes well, we will be making moulds trough out the summer and starting production trough the winter, so we can have production established by the start of 2017 fishing season.
Anyways, once design locked, I cutted 3dmodel so it could fit into printable area, and designed some strenghting-joining elements and sliced the thing. We used aluminium tube for joiner, not only providing acurate joints, but also giving the gun some strenght, so one could actually used it. For reference, gun is 1400mm in lenght or roughly 54".
Printed on our own printer #Typhoon-150 with +eSUN SHENZHEN ABS and ABS+, some #ninjaflex, sliced with kisslicer & Simplify 3d, 0.3mm layers, #E3D Volcano 0,6mm nozzle.
We started research in fabruary, done preliminary designes, choose harware supliers and then onto prototyping so we get some professional users feedback of whats good and whats not. If all goes well, we will be making moulds trough out the summer and starting production trough the winter, so we can have production established by the start of 2017 fishing season.
Anyways, once design locked, I cutted 3dmodel so it could fit into printable area, and designed some strenghting-joining elements and sliced the thing. We used aluminium tube for joiner, not only providing acurate joints, but also giving the gun some strenght, so one could actually used it. For reference, gun is 1400mm in lenght or roughly 54".
Printed on our own printer #Typhoon-150 with +eSUN SHENZHEN ABS and ABS+, some #ninjaflex, sliced with kisslicer & Simplify 3d, 0.3mm layers, #E3D Volcano 0,6mm nozzle.

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Matej Rozman
Show-n-tell -Hey folks, long time no hear from me, been pretty busy with all that life brings along, but I didnt fell asleep, at least not 3d printing wise. Its been a great time since I stepped into 3d printing since 2012 and this community sure helped alot. In between printing we build a machine or two but none was sustainable for actually produce in some quantities.
So the long story short, this little beast arrise, I named it Typhoon-150, the 150 stands for 15litre volume. It can print on 280mm round aluminium heated bed and it has basically the best components one can gather for building a printer, including genuine E3D Volcano, 32bit electronics, RAPS128 drivers and some custom components.
Of course, it will all be open source, but we need some time to sort all things out, its still a mess with plans, drawings ect., but we will publish everything and also all CNCed aluminium components will be for sale also as a stand alone pieces. We are working hard on documentation and also website at the moment. But KUDOS to anyone building a machine for production, its a LOT of work, this I can tell.
Anyway, happy with how it turned out, and more, even happier, this machine needs no calibratin other than Z height. The key is in acurracy of the build and components.
Disclosure; I am owner of the company that makes printer in the following picture, not here for spam or free ads, just some news from me as 3d printing addict.
So the long story short, this little beast arrise, I named it Typhoon-150, the 150 stands for 15litre volume. It can print on 280mm round aluminium heated bed and it has basically the best components one can gather for building a printer, including genuine E3D Volcano, 32bit electronics, RAPS128 drivers and some custom components.
Of course, it will all be open source, but we need some time to sort all things out, its still a mess with plans, drawings ect., but we will publish everything and also all CNCed aluminium components will be for sale also as a stand alone pieces. We are working hard on documentation and also website at the moment. But KUDOS to anyone building a machine for production, its a LOT of work, this I can tell.
Anyway, happy with how it turned out, and more, even happier, this machine needs no calibratin other than Z height. The key is in acurracy of the build and components.
Disclosure; I am owner of the company that makes printer in the following picture, not here for spam or free ads, just some news from me as 3d printing addict.
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Matej Rozman
Partagé en mode public -Love RB's PR, they really take it to the next level.
Time to explain the new Formula One car changes for 2014:
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Matej Rozman
General discussion -Anybody using repetier firmware on a delta?
Id really like to make a switch from marlin, but im seeing this weird artifacts with repetier. All of the straight lines are wobbly. Its hard to explain, looks like a bad case of early reprap's using T5 printed belts and wobbly carriages. It is definitely not so called delta effect. This is just too regular and visible only on straight lines.
With marlin everything is straight as it should be.
Any ideas where to start fixing if possible?
Id really like to make a switch from marlin, but im seeing this weird artifacts with repetier. All of the straight lines are wobbly. Its hard to explain, looks like a bad case of early reprap's using T5 printed belts and wobbly carriages. It is definitely not so called delta effect. This is just too regular and visible only on straight lines.
With marlin everything is straight as it should be.
Any ideas where to start fixing if possible?

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Thanks +John Oly I've been trying occasionally from time since 0.81 and hoping this was some kind of bug that they get might fix, never tried increasing the number, but have tried lowering it with no effect whatsoever. Its 180 at default in 0.91.5. Any recommendation how much to increase?
+Shachar Weis many reasons, more linear speed over build area, easier setup for multiple extruders, easier setup for eprom, ect.
+Shachar Weis many reasons, more linear speed over build area, easier setup for multiple extruders, easier setup for eprom, ect.
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Matej Rozman
Development -There has been some time ago since I talked about E3D fix, so here it is. It has to be said, its still untested. Working on so many exciting stuff at the moment, that I just cant find time to do all the tests. So basically all I did is I brought back the PTFE tube into the game and shorten the heat sink a little, just enough so tiny little bit of fan will be blowing trough the heat break. Its needed to say this is only gonna help out with PLA filament, with ABS stock E3D is really THE BEST out there! +Sanjay Mortimer need to write you an email, was looking at the kraken, really really great job!
The other thing, new pinch wheel for a geared NEMA or any other extruder motor for that matter. I went pretty large with this one and being machined from stainless steel with custom made tool the grooves are maching perfectly giving ultimate grip and being stainless I reckon its the last pinch wheel you will ever buy. The diameter was calculated to give with a 1,8degree, 1/16step and 5,17:1 geared stepper around 270steps/mm (still need to calculate it fine), witch would suit both, the 1,75 and 3mm users. Of course, the 3mm need to have different teeth profile, but that will be another battle....More to come, gonna be exciting end of 2013/beginning of 2014!
The other thing, new pinch wheel for a geared NEMA or any other extruder motor for that matter. I went pretty large with this one and being machined from stainless steel with custom made tool the grooves are maching perfectly giving ultimate grip and being stainless I reckon its the last pinch wheel you will ever buy. The diameter was calculated to give with a 1,8degree, 1/16step and 5,17:1 geared stepper around 270steps/mm (still need to calculate it fine), witch would suit both, the 1,75 and 3mm users. Of course, the 3mm need to have different teeth profile, but that will be another battle....More to come, gonna be exciting end of 2013/beginning of 2014!

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I had the same problem until I buttered 500mm of filament and pushed it through. No more blocks for a week and new my extruder can push 2x as fast as before.
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