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Nate C
Employeur actuel : Erdman Company
Lieu de résidence : Madison, WI, United States
11 abonnés|5 465 consultations
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Parcours professionnel
- Erdman Companyprésent
Domicile actuel
Madison, WI, United States
Boots Industries 3D850 PLA is a great filament to print with. I've purchased from a wide range of filament suppliers over the years and must say this is in my top for PLA filament quality.
The packaging is professional and contains everything you would need for storing the filament after use (Ziploc bag and silca gel dessicant). The filament measured a consistent 1.77mm. Visually inspecting the surface no noticeable blemishes/bubbles could be seen and was as close to round as you could get. The filament had no issues sticking to the glass bed and no warping occurred in any of the prints. I did a test with blue painters tape and actually had a hard time getting the prints off. For surface finishing I had some acetone laying around so I ran some tests and will say that it had no noticeable effect on the surface. Letting the part sit in the acetone for a few days did start to break the layers apart which is typical with letting any filament sit that long. With the Red filament I had great success printing at 200-205 and black around 215-220.
As far as color selection you wont be disappointed. The only thing I wish they had was 3mm filament for my non 1.75 printers. Great filament and would recommend this to anyone looking for a high quality filament at a reasonable price!
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