
Basic searching

Every site header shows a search form that lets you find pages in that site. In the search form, type the words you want to search for and press Enter.

  • Pages are ranked on how many search terms they match, so to refine your search results, add more words.
  • To show only pages that contain elephant, search for +elephant.
  • To show pages that have elephant in the title, search for title:elephant.
  • To show pages that have the phrase grey elephants in the title, search for title:"grey elephants" using double quotes.
  • To show pages that contain any word starting with ele, search for ele*.
  • To show pages that contain any word starting with ele and ending in ant, search for ele*ant.

Additional filters

  • To restrict the search to category "abc", add the filter category:abc.
  • To restrict the search to categories "abc" and "def", add the filter category:abc,def.
  • To restrict the search by date, add either or both of: since:yyyy-mm-dd and till:yyyy-mm-dd.
  • To restrict the search to a specific author, add user:author-name, using '-' or '_' instead of spaces in the user name.

Global searching

You can search all of Wikidot, including private sites that you are allowed to read, at Global search works like basic searching, with these additional options:

  • To show pages in the site, search for site:elephants.
  • To show pages in several specific sites, list these with commas after the site: keyword.

Searching on tags

Note: searching on tags is currently not enabled for performance reasons. When we've solved those, we'll enable tag searching.

In basic and global searches you can additionally search for pages that have specific tags:

  • To show pages that contain the tags "big" and "noisy", search for tags:big,noisy.