It works for absolutely everybody else, so look for anything in your setup that is different from the others. Connecting an actual heater would probably be a good start.
David Roncal
Discussion -Hello everybody!!
Finally I got the Smoothie working and I am programming new features with it. One of them is a thermistor with a timeout, just to set a temperature for a while.
For this, I copied the struct done in the code of TemperatureControl.cpp about the "set and wait mcode". Well, it did not work at first, and I supposed it was because of my code. However, If I use the code from git (smoothieware-edge, the last update) and I try the set and wait mcode as it is said in the documentation, it also crashes.
This is what I see, I open a cutecom and I send the command (M109 S40) and it outputs an "ok" and the temperatures (T: 22.3 /25 @31, for example) and it appears several times. The temperature can not change, because I am not connecting anything in the pin (just a led to see if it flashes). After several times of this output, it stops and the leds 1,2 and 4 stay on (not flashing).
When I use the "set temperature" m code it works okey, it does not stop.
It also happens that when I am using the pid autotune It stops without finishing...
I hope I could explain my problem. I was wondering, do you know what is going on?
Thank you very much,
Finally I got the Smoothie working and I am programming new features with it. One of them is a thermistor with a timeout, just to set a temperature for a while.
For this, I copied the struct done in the code of TemperatureControl.cpp about the "set and wait mcode". Well, it did not work at first, and I supposed it was because of my code. However, If I use the code from git (smoothieware-edge, the last update) and I try the set and wait mcode as it is said in the documentation, it also crashes.
This is what I see, I open a cutecom and I send the command (M109 S40) and it outputs an "ok" and the temperatures (T: 22.3 /25 @31, for example) and it appears several times. The temperature can not change, because I am not connecting anything in the pin (just a led to see if it flashes). After several times of this output, it stops and the leds 1,2 and 4 stay on (not flashing).
When I use the "set temperature" m code it works okey, it does not stop.
It also happens that when I am using the pid autotune It stops without finishing...
I hope I could explain my problem. I was wondering, do you know what is going on?
Thank you very much,

26 commentaires
+Arthur Wolf Well, I already tried with actual heater and good thermistor, however, it was always crashing. Now I found that if I disable the second Uart it works, if I enable, it does not. Could this have sense? Thankyou
second uart, or second usb/cdc ?
this one in config:
"second_usb_serial_enable false # This enables a second usb serial port (to have both pronterface
# and a terminal connected)"
"second_usb_serial_enable false # This enables a second usb serial port (to have both pronterface
# and a terminal connected)"
so you are right, second usb
Do you really nned that ? it's more of an experimental feature.
mmm.... well, I am using one uart for debugging and the other to send commands... maybe I am doing anything wrong?
Debugging how ?
No I mean what kind of debugging ??
What kind? I don't get it, sorry for my English. I am trying to test some code I am writing at the same time Smoothie is running...
So you added code to smoothie that sends text via the serial port ?
no, no, I added code to Smoothie to add a temperature control with a timer (to stand for 15 minutes at 200 degrees and then stop it). I want to check it, so I use eclipse to run the program in one uart and with the usb I use the pc with cutecom and send the command I "invented" for this task...
then it's likely just a problem with your code.
Mmmm...well, I hardly think that because I disable all of my code and this problem happened when I used the generic temperature_control from the last git update....
Maybe you can try using MRI to see what's happening ?
I already tried, but it seems like the communications on the port got blocked.
MRI is not over USB
Yeah it goes over uart. It does not work... I dont receive the mri sequence through it i meant
Using an unmodified firmware ? What board are you using ?
board? the 5xc smoothieboard. Yes, I cloned the git repository one month ago and I compiled, when I set true the second usb it does not work. If I set to false, it works.
Can you try with the .bin from github ( not compiled by you ) ?
sure! but i can not download... it says there is an error on the website...
This page explains the different places you can get it at :
Try getting it from github
Try getting it from github
Hello, I tested it. It does not work neither... I put the downloaded firmware.bin and the config from there and I only changed the second usb from false to true, and then the autotune for example fails...
+David Roncal Then this is possibly a smoothie bug, you can open an issue on github. In the meantime, you'll have to only use one serial port.
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