LPC-Link 2 is an extensible, stand-alone debug adapter that can be configured to support various development tools and IDEs by downloadable firmwares.
Available firmware images include:
- LPCXpresso IDE debugger by NXP
- J-Link by Segger (see more information here and specifically note the Terms of Use from Segger)
The board is supported by the LPCXpresso IDE and all development environments that supports the J-Link and CMSIS-DAP interface.
This product is delivered with a 10-pos IDC Ribbon Cable. Note that an adapter is needed to connect to the older 2x10-pos 100 mil pitch ARM debug connectors.
LPC-Link 2 is the latest addition to the LPCXpresso development platform.
There is an add-on board called LabTool that turn the LPC-Link 2 into a powerful debug tool with analogue oscilloscope and digital logic analyzer functionality.
Note that LPC-Link 2 firmware in combination with the LPCXpresso IDE supports the Cortex-Mx cores in the LPC family, but not the older ARM7/ARM9 cores. Read this FAQ entry for more information.