Dr. Whitfield Diffie (yes, the cryptographer, security expert and Turing Award recipient) will join the #NXPFTF Opening Session to highlight some of the key security challenges facing an increasingly connected world. Watch it live online! Click the link to add this to your calendar.
News Feed
NXP Semiconductors added 14 new photos to the album NXP Cup for Universities in Europe.
Sixteen teams from nine countries participated in the EMEA NXP Cup Finals on May 9-10 in NXP's Munich office.
Top finishers include:
#1 Team ARCar1 from Haute Ecole ARC Ingenierie in Switzerland with 15.7 sec
#2 Team FasTech from University of Craiova in Romania with 16.4 sec
#3 Team EBB from University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf with 16.6 sec
Contactless technology is being introduced to all kinds of government-issued applications, from ID cards to e-passports. Here are four things we you should know about our work in secure eGov applications.
Couldn’t break away to attend NXP FTF? Don’t worry, you can still watch the keynotes live. Click and save the date so that you’re ready when the action starts.
When cars, cameras, signs and traffic lights talk to each other, increased safety is a result. In this campus-wide test bed program with Singapore's Nanyang Technological University, NXP's vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology is being used to do just that. #SmartCity
NXP at #MakerFaireAustin: Add motion, sound and lights to robots and light sabers with a PropShield and a Teensy.

NXP at #MakerFaireAustin: What would you make with 4,320 LED lights and a Kinetis powered Teensy 3.2 board?

Woah, yeah! NIGHTWATCH smart halter lets you remotely monitor your horse's health. #IoT
Hold up, wait a minute … more than 250 hours of technical training PLUS Trombone Shorty at NXP FTF Tech Forum. #YesPlease ♬
Using Kinetis FlexIO, the slightest brush of your multi-copter's propeller can be detected. Check out this project in the making on Hackster.
Ted takes the NXP Smarter World Tour (in four minutes). #IEEEtv
A car that talks to street signs, traffic lights and other cars is just one of the countless smart city solutions that you'll see in action at NXP FTF Tech Forum. Join us May 16-19.
More processing and data analytics pushed to the edge node makes entry-level MPUs a popular choice for the IoT.
You can use smart phones to make payments. Now think about doing that with your car. #NFC
In this episode, Ben Heck creates a data logging device that can tell when your checked luggage is mishandled. Let's get started!
NXP Semiconductors added 4 new photos.
Vehicle-to-vehicle communications, truck platooning in action and more than 150 Internet of Things demos on the Smarter World Tour truck — those are just a few of exciting technologies the delegation that represented the European transport ministers saw today when they visited NXP in the Netherlands.
Hurry up and save! Early bird rates (a savings of up to $250!) has been extended until Friday, May 6 for #NXPFTF.
There are VHS vs. Betamax-like battles ahead for ADAS. Which standards will reign? And what about regulatory and sociological hurdles? At the NXP FTF Influencers Summit on May 16, we'll tackle these questions and more. Moderator Tim Stevens of CNET will be joined by influencers from Toyota, Global Automakers, Stanford University, Quanergy Systems and NXP.
CEO Rick Clemmer talks to Mad Money's Jim Cramer on CNBC about NXP's diversification and broad portfolio of solutions for automotive and ADAS, Internet of Things, contactless payments, security and more.