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Fusion 360TM is the first 3D CAD, CAM, and CAE tool of its kind. It connects your entire product development process in a single cloud-based platform that works on both Mac and PC.

Design, test, fabricate illustration Design, test, and fabricate in a single tool.
Illustration of phone, tablet, and PC Work anywhere.
Illustration of people collaborating Collaborate with anyone.
Fusion is that step to getting to another place. ... It's about making your ideas come to fruition faster. — Nick Kloski, HoneyPoint3D
The collaboration tools [in Fusion 360] have been a total lifesaver… Knowing that everyone has access to live, current versions of my models have helped me avoid all sorts of crazy version-skew issues. — Jesse Vincent, Keyboardio
With the other ones it would take an hour to calculate a tool path, but with Fusion 360 it took just a couple minutes. — Jeff Hooper, Backhand Bikes
I had been working on designing multiplates which took over a year to design 3 parts. Once we switched over to Fusion 360 we designed 20 more parts in less than a month. Amazingly helpful at making the distance from creativity to design completion much shorter. — Sean Fairburn, Gaming Throne
I wouldn’t have thought I could try a new piece of software and get up and running so quickly… I think that Fusion is where everything is going; the ability to build accurate parts quickly and try them has happened. — Stephen Ambrose, Asius Technologies
INDUSTRY PDX team collaborating on design of 3D-printed bicycle Haas CNC milling machine at Autodesk’s Pier 9 Team at Modbot designing robots
INDUSTRY PDX team collaborating on design of 3D-printed bicycle
Fusion is that step to getting to another place. ... It's about making your ideas come to fruition faster. — Nick Kloski, HoneyPoint3D
The collaboration tools [in Fusion 360] have been a total lifesaver… Knowing that everyone has access to live, current versions of my models have helped me avoid all sorts of crazy version-skew issues. — Jesse Vincent, Keyboardio
With the other ones it would take an hour to calculate a tool path, but with Fusion 360 it took just a couple minutes. — Jeff Hooper, Backhand Bikes
I had been working on designing multiplates which took over a year to design 3 parts. Once we switched over to Fusion 360 we designed 20 more parts in less than a month. Amazingly helpful at making the distance from creativity to design completion much shorter. — Sean Fairburn, Gaming Throne
I wouldn’t have thought I could try a new piece of software and get up and running so quickly… I think that Fusion is where everything is going; the ability to build accurate parts quickly and try them has happened. — Stephen Ambrose, Asius Technologies
Team at INDUSTRY PDX collaborating on design of a 3D-printed bike

Collaborate & manage

Bring design teams together in a hybrid environment that harnesses the power of the cloud when necessary and uses local resources when it makes sense.

Learn more about collaborating and managing in Fusion 360
  • Collaboration & sharing
  • Version management
  • Mobile viewing & management
Learn more about collaborating and managing in Fusion 360
  • Share or publish data & designs
  • Synchronous design reviews
  • Design variations with branching & merging
  • API extensibility
See all features

Free for students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and startups

Full use of Fusion 360 for as long as you need it
  • Start by downloading the 30-day trial
  • Once you’re in, simply register for free use
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The Fusion 360 Community

See how users like you influence Fusion 360

In the market for more than 2 years, Fusion 360 is built collaboratively with the community. We listen to what users want and deliver new functionality every 6-8 weeks. You decide, we develop.

Recently implemented

Snapping to geometry outside the current sketchSnapping to geometry outside the current sketch
Marianna Demyer / Roving Blue
Hong Quan / Karmic Bikes
Alma Lorraine Bone Constable / TayaSola
Jason C. Stauffer / BISTEG USA
Access the same design software used by industry leaders worldwide. A free 3-year license is available for students, teachers, and academic institutions.
A free 1-year startup license is also available for hobbyists, enthusiasts, makers, and emerging businesses that make less than US$100,000 in revenue per year. At the end of 1 year, you can reselect the startup entitlement or transition to a commercial entitlement.
See Terms of Service: Autodesk Web Services Entitlements.
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