Tree Planting

Since it is not possible for us to eliminate all carbon dioxide emissions, we have decided to offset through tree planting in Malawi. The trees are planted in cooperation with smallholder farmers who receive so-called “payments for ecosystem services” (PES) as the trees grow and sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. We have chosen the project Trees of Hope in Malawi. The project, and more specifically the trees, not only helps sequester carbon dioxide, it also gives poor smallholder farmers a decent salary, food and a range of valuable ecosystem services such as erosion control. An important objective of the project is also to educate people about the devastating consequences of deforestation.

Our total carbon footprint since we started with this project is 372 tons of CO2e. To compensate for this approximately 3000 trees have been planted. Our certificates shows our commitment.



Sustainability Initiative
Our Actions to Decrease Emissions