
Queue refactor documentation

The goal of this document is to describe the current problem with the queue, propose a possible solution, and describe its implementation (called the queue refactor).

Writing a document is much less work than actually coding the refactor, and it allows discussion before implementation (avoiding having to do more refactors later).

If you are interested in helping with this refactor, please don’t hesitate to join the discussion here, or contact me at

The problem with the queue

So essentially, Smoothie was originally coded with no consideration whatsoever for RAM usage. Yes. Sue me.

It ended up not too bad, but still very very far from optimal.

I guess we can start by explaining the problem the queue tries to solve before explaining the problem with the way we currently do it.

A pretty good explanation can be found here: howitworks.

How it now works

In short, when we get say, a G-code for a movement, the following happens (oversimplified):

This last step is the main reason for the Queue: we have a list of Blocks “buffered” in advance, so we can “look into the future” and compute acceleration in an optimal fashion.

Now, we add Blocks at one end of the Queue, and another process (the Conveyor) pops Blocks from the other end of the Queue, and actually executes them.

The process is:

Now what this means for a module is there are two different processes/loops:

Instructions are not immediately executed when they are received, that’s the main thing we are dealing with here.

Now this is for “Blocks”, which describe movements of the Robot (XYZ movement).

But say you have a module that must emit a “beep” in response to the G123 G-code.

It can’t emit the “beep” when the G-code is received, as that would violate the order of execution: because G-codes are not executed when they are received, it is very possible (actually extremely likely) that the G-code received before G123 has not been executed, and is still in the Queue, waiting to be executed.

Emitting the “beep” now would mean emitting it too early and out of order.

So what this module needs to do is wait for the right time to emit the “beep”.

The way we do this is that when we receive a G-code, we attach the string for that G-code to the latest Block added to the queue.

Then when the Conveyor pops a Block from the queue, for each of the G-code strings attached to it, in order, an event is called, and all the modules (that want to) get a chance to recognize this G-code as something they care about, and act accordingly.

And because this event is called when the Block is popped off the Queue (about to be actually executed), the “beep” is now executed at the right time.

What’s wrong with that?

Well, it’s extremely wasteful.

Pretty much, every G-code is pushed onto the queue. That’s a huge waste of RAM.

For example, the G-code:

G1 X23.43 Y12.34 E22.33 is 23 bytes.

But because we already store the XYZ target coordinates in the Block, those are redundant.

And the E (Extruder) coordinates can be stored as an offset from the current position, in steps, which fits fine in 2 bytes.

Meaning here we are wasting 21 bytes.

There is also overhead from storing a string and from having a vector attached to the block and storing the string as a G-code object, all of which also take additional RAM.

And then there is the cost in computing power of having to pass the G-code to each module for them to see if they are interested in it, which wastes a lot of time, at moments where we shouldn’t be wasting any.

Also because we use std::vector, new, std::string, etc to store all of this, and pop/push it on/off the queue, it adds lots of complexity to keep it sane, and can potentially add danger.

All of these are good reasons to do things differently.

For those interested in more details on how things work now, you can look at the Block, Conveyor, and Queue.

A proposed solution

So the idea then is to store things in a much more compact fashion.

We do not store G-code strings anymore.

Modules decide exactly what information they want to store in the Queue, and only that is stored.

Then when the time comes, they get that information back.

This has so many advantages:

Here is the proposed format for the new Blocks (now called “Actions” to differentiate them from the movement Blocks (which become just another kind of Action)):

The queue is composed of a series of those Actions. When a module tries to add an Action to the Queue, and the Queue does not have enough room, we wait until there is room (similar to what the current movement queue does).

Example queue (random non-real-life actions):

Byte Length Value Explanation
0 uint8 2 Action owner ID 2: Laser module
1 uint8 1 1 byte long Action
2 uint8 127 Laser module understands this as: set laser power to 50%
3 uint8 5 Action owner ID 5: Extruder module
4 uint8 1 1 byte long Action
5 uint8 3 Extruder module understands this as: Extruder action ID 3: do unretract
6 uint8 5 Action owner ID 5: Extruder module
7 uint8 3 3 bytes long Action
8 uint8 2 Extruder module understands this as: Extruder action ID 2: Solo move
9-10 int16 160 Extruder module understands this as: Solo move must move 160 steps in the positive direction
11 uint8 7 Action owner ID 7: Stepper module
12 uint8 42 42 bytes long Action
13-55 Block 127 Stepper unpacks this into a Block object and executes it
56 uint8 5 Action owner ID 5: Extruder module
57 uint8 3 3 bytes long Action
58 uint8 1 Extruder module understands this as: Extruder action ID 1: Follow move
59-60 int16 67 Extruder module understands this as: Follow move must move 67 steps in the positive direction along with the previous movement block

Now compared to the current system, this is extremely compact!


Here is the general idea of how things would work in the new system. We’ll follow the life of our “beep” action from above:

And it sleeps there for a while, until, in another context:

And done!

For each module

Now the logic of moving from the current Queue to Action Queue is not so hard. What makes this so complicated is that pretty much all the modules must change the way they work.

This is a list of the modules that need to change, and in what way they need to change.

This is what ack-grep :on_gcode_execute * gives us:

112:void Stepper::on_gcode_execute(void *argument)
204:void Spindle::on_gcode_execute(void* argument)
385:void Extruder::on_gcode_execute(void *argument)
294:void TemperatureControl::on_gcode_execute(void *argument)
156:void Switch::on_gcode_execute(void *argument)
95:void Laser::on_gcode_execute(void* argument){
160:void SlowTicker::on_gcode_execute(void* argument){
20:    &Module::on_gcode_execute,

So now, per module, here is what needs to change:


Planner adds Actions (Blocks) to the Queue, but does not consume them himself, it’s Stepper that consumes them.

Currently what we do is here we get an old Block from the Queue, and we recycle it to use as a new Block.

With the Action queue we would make a new Block, and then add it to the Queue as an Action.

What we have now:

block = queue->recycle_old_block()
set all of the block's properties
mark the block as complete

What we would do in action queue:

block = new Block();
set all of the block's properties
queue->add_action(the block's data)


Right now Stepper gets a new Block this way.

This would simply need to be changed to getting Block-type Actions, that’s pretty much it.

There is another thing in Stepper: There is a useless on_gcode_execute event in it.

This can be replaced by an on_gcode_received event, and waiting for the queue to empty before turning the stepper motor drivers on or off.


As with Stepper, SlowTicker is another example of a place where on_gcode_execute is used uselessly.


can here too be replaced with:



This one is a good example of how trivial the move to Action Queue can be.

There are only two possible actions (Spindle ON, Spindle OFF), and one bit of data (Spindle Speed).

So the action data is, for a Spindle OFF event:

For a Spindle ON event:

And for a Spindle set speed:

Those are simply added to the action queue Here.

Then on_gcode_execute becomes simply:

	if(data[0] == 0){ turn spindle off }
	if(data[0] == 1){ turn spindle on }
	if(data[0] == 2){ set spindle speed to (float)data[1-4] }


Another one where on_gcode_execute is used uselessly.


can here too be replaced with:


The code to replace is here.

Note: If you don’t find an on_gcode_execute there, wolfmanjm was faster than you.


This one is pretty much exactly the same as Spindle above, with spindle speed replaced with laser power (which is a float too), no reason to repeat it.


This is again extremely similar: on, off, pwm value.


This is probably the hardest one (second hardest being Stepper/Planner) as it’s the most complicated, and does both lead and follow actions.

Lead or Follow Actions

There are two types of actions: Lead actions and Follow actions.

Lead actions are things that take time, and must be executed one after the other.

Follow actions are actions that are executed in parallel with a lead action, and several of which can be executed at the same time.

Lead actions include:

Follow actions include: