
Configuration options

This is a list of most configuration options currently understood by the Smoothie firmware. Some are omitted from this list as they are advanced and not recommended.

If you want more information about a given module, how it works and how to configure it, (and any advanced options that are not in this list) you can refer to that module’s page.

For information on options to settings please refer to here for pull up, pull down, open drain, etc.

Option Example value Explanation
General motion    

Motion Control Options

Option Default Value Description
default_feed_rate 4000 Default rate for G1/G2/G3 moves in millimetres/minute. This is overridden by the first F (feedrate) parameter after reset, and never used again.
default_seek_rate 4000 Default rate for G0 moves in millimetres/minute
mm_max_arc_error 0.01 Arcs are cut into segments (lines), This is the maximum error for line segments that divide arcs
mm_per_line_segment 5 Lines can be cut into segments (generally not useful with cartesian coordinates robots), this sets the maximum length of any given segment. Segments longer than this will be cut into several segments.
delta_segments_per_second 100 Instead of cutting lines into segments based on a distance, cut them based on time: segments will be cut so that Smoothie executes -about- delta_segments_per_second segments each second. This is mostly useful when using linear_delta arm solutions.
planner_queue_size 32 Defines how many blocks (line segments) are stored in RAM for look-ahead acceleration calculation. Do not change this unless you know exactly what you are doing, the reason why is increasing the size of the queue makes it take up more RAM space and can result in Smoothie running out of RAM, depending on your configuration and how much the rest of your modules take up space.
acceleration 3000 Acceleration in millimetres/second/second. Higher values make your machine faster and shakier, lower values make your machine slower and sturdier. This is generally proportional to the weight of the tool you are trying to move.
alpha_acceleration   Acceleration in millimetres/second/second for the alpha actuator (X axis on cartesian), do not set on deltas
beta_acceleration   Acceleration in millimetres/second/second for the beta actuator (Y axis on cartesian), do not set on deltas
gamma_acceleration   Acceleration in millimetres/second/second for the gamma actuator (Z axis on cartesian), do not set on deltas
junction_deviation 0.05 Similar to the old “max_jerk”, in millimeters. Defines how much the machine slows down when decelerating proportional to the vector angle of change of direction. See here and here. Lower values mean being more careful, higher values means being faster and have more jerk
z_junction_deviation 0 Junction deviation for Z only moves, -1 uses junction_deviation, 0 disables junction_deviation on z moves. Do not set this value if you use a delta arm solution.
minimum_planner_speed 0 Sets the minimum planner speed in millimetres/sec. This is the lowest speed the planner will ever set a move to. Not generally useful.
microseconds_per_step_pulse 1 Duration of step pulses to the stepper motor drivers, in microseconds. Actual step pulse is generally 2us above this (so 1 will actually be 2-3us). Setting this over about 8us will cause severe issues with step generation
base_stepping_frequency 100000 Base frequency for stepping, higher values gives smoother movement. Do not modify unless you know exactly what you are doing, 100khz is the only officially supported value.
alpha_steps_per_mm 80 Steps per millimetre for alpha stepper motor ( this is the X axis for a cartesian machine )
beta_steps_per_mm 80 Steps per millimetre for beta stepper motor ( this is the Y axis for a cartesian machine )
gamma_steps_per_mm 1600 Steps per millimetre for gamma stepper motor ( this is the Z axis for a cartesian machine )
arm_solution cartesian Sets the arm solution for this machine. The arm solution converts position in millimetres into actuator positions ( usually in steps ). On cartesian machines those are proportional to each other, but for example on a linear delta machine, some fancy math is required for the conversion. Possible values : cartesian, corexy, linear_delta, rotatable_cartesian, morgan
arm_length 100 In the case of a linear_delta arm solution, this is the length of an arm from hinge to hinge
arm_radius 124 In the case of a linear_delta arm solution, this is the horizontal distance from hinge to hinge when the effector is centered
alpha_angle 45 In the case of a rotatable_cartesian arm solution, angle by which the plane is rotated
arm1_length 100 In the case of a morgan arm solution, length of the first arm
arm2_length 100 In the case of a morgan arm solution, length of the second arm
morgan_offset_x 10 In the case of a morgan arm solution, X offset
morgan_offset_y 10 In the case of a morgan arm solution, Y offset
axis_scaling_x 0.8 In the case of a morgan arm solution, scaling in the X axis
axis_scaling_y 0.8 In the case of a morgan arm solution, scaling in the Y axis
x_axis_max_speed 30000 Maximum allowable speed for the X axis, in millimetres/minute. Smoothie will never exceed that value for that axis.
y_axis_max_speed 30000 Maximum allowable speed for the Y axis, in millimetres/minute. Smoothie will never exceed that value for that axis.
z_axis_max_speed 300 Maximum allowable speed for the Z axis, in millimetres/minute. Smoothie will never exceed that value for that axis.
save_g92 false set to true to save any G92 offset with M500 (See WCS)
set_g92 0,0,0 set the G92 offset to x,y,z (See WCS)
Stepper motors    
alpha_step_pin 2.0 Pin for alpha stepper step signal
alpha_dir_pin 0.5 Pin for alpha stepper direction
alpha_en_pin 0.4 Pin for alpha enable pin
alpha_current 1.5 M1 stepper motor driver current, in Amperes.
alpha_max_rate 30000 Maximum allowable speed for this actuator ( as opposed to axis, they are the same on a cartesian machine, but not on a delta machine for example ), in millimetres/minute.
beta_step_pin 2.1 Pin for beta stepper step signal
beta_dir_pin 0.11 Pin for beta stepper direction
beta_en_pin 0.10 Pin for beta enable
beta_current 1.5 M2 stepper motor driver current, in Amperes.
beta_max_rate 30000 Maximum allowable speed for this actuator, in millimetres/minute.
gamma_step_pin 2.2 Pin for gamma stepper step signal
gamma_dir_pin 0.20 Pin for gamma stepper direction
gamma_en_pin 0.19 Pin for gamma enable
gamma_current 1.5 M3 stepper motor driver current, in Amperes.
gamma_max_rate 300 Maximum allowable speed for this actuator , in millimetres/minute.
uart0.baud_rate 115200 Baud rate for the default hardware serial port ( UART0, labelled “Serial” on the board, close to the USB connector ). Defaults to 9600 if undefined, or if the configuration file can not be read.
second_usb_serial_enable false This enables a second serial port over the USB connection ( for example to have both Pronterface and a terminal connected)
leds_disable true Disable the 4 flashing LEDs on the board
play_led_disable true Disable the “play” status LED
kill_button_enable false Enable the “kill” button
kill_button_pin 2.12 Pin for the “kill” button
msd_disable false Disable the MSD ( SD Card access over USB ) when set to true ( requires a special binary, which you can find here, will be ignored without the special binary)
dfu_enable false For Linux developers, set to true to enable DFU, which allows you to flash new firmwares over USB
Current control    
currentcontrol_module_enable true If set to true, enable digital control of the current settings of the stepper motor drivers. Note : this is dependent on the physical board type, and unless you are designing a new board you shouldn’t have to modify these settings
digipotchip mcp4451 Select the digipot chip with which to control the current for the stepper motor drivers. Supported chips are mcp4451 and ad5206
digipot_max_current 2 Maximum current that can be set
digipot_factor 113.33 Factor for converting the current into digipot values
zeta_current 1.5 Current setting for the 6th stepper motor driver current control
eta_current 1.5 Current setting for the 7th stepper motor driver current control
theta_current 1.5 Current setting for the 8th stepper motor driver current control
Option Value Description
on_boot_gcode /sd/on_boot.gcode G-code file to play when the board boots. This file will automatically be played when the board is done booting up. Useful for example if you want to home your printer when it boots, or do similar tasks. For more information see on_boot.gcode
on_boot_gcode_enable true If set to true, play the on_boot_gcode file when the board boots up
after_suspend_gcode G91 G0 E-5 G0 Z10 G90 G0 X-50 Y-50 G-code to execute automatically right after the suspend command is received, this is useful if you want to retract, or turn off heaters etc. The _ character gets converted into space
before_resume_gcode G91 G1 E1 G90 G-code to execute automatically right after the resume command is received, but before resuming execution. However, NOTE this is generally not needed as the resume will restore the state it was in before the suspend. The _ character gets converted into space
leave_heaters_on_suspend false If set to true, heaters are left ON when suspend is received. If set to false, heaters are turned OFF when suspend is received, and then turned back ON when resume is received.
Parameter Default Description
extruder.module_name.enable true Whether to activate the extruder module at all. All configuration is ignored if false. Each time an extruder.module_name.enable line is encountered, an extruder module with the name «module_name» will be created.
extruder.module_name.steps_per_mm 140 Steps/millimetre for the extruder stepper motor. This is the number of steps to move one millimetre of filament. Learn more
extruder.module_name.filament_diameter 1.74 Filament diameter, in millimetres, used for volumetric extrusion control. Learn more
extruder.module_name.default_feed_rate 600 Default rate in millimetres/minute for moves where only the extruder moves. This is only used if you have never provided a feedrate via the F parameter. Once you specify a F parameter, it will be used as the Extruder feed rate until you reset the board.
extruder.module_name.acceleration 500 Acceleration for the extruder stepper motor, in millimetres/second/second
extruder.module_name.max_speed 50 Maximum allowable speed for the extruder stepper motor, in millimetres/second
extruder.module_name.step_pin 2.3 Pin for extruder stepper motor driver’s step signal
extruder.module_name.dir_pin 0.22 Pin for extruder stepper motor driver’s direction signal
extruder.module_name.en_pin 0.21 Pin for extruder stepper motor driver’s enable signal
extruder.module_name.x_offset 0 Extruder offset from origin in millimetres for the X axis. ONLY used when you have multiple extruders to specify the offset from each extruder to the first one.
extruder.module_name.y_offset 0 Extruder offset from origin in millimetres for the Y axis. ONLY used for multiple extruders
extruder.module_name.z_offset 0 Extruder offset from origin in millimetres for the Z axis. ONLY used for multiple extruders
extruder.module_name.retract_length 3 Retract length in millimetres. Retract is a retractation of the filament called using the G10 G-code. It is recovered (reverted) using the G11 G-code. Learn more about retractation
extruder.module_name.retract_feedrate 45 Retract feed-rate (filament speed) in millimetres/second
extruder.module_name.retract_recover_length 0 Additional length when recovering (if you retract by 1mm, you will be recovering by 1mm plus this value)
extruder.module_name.retract_recover_feedrate 8 Recovery feed-rate in millimetres/second (should be less than retract feedrate)
extruder.module_name.retract_zlift_length 0 Z-lift on retract in millimeters, set to 0 if you want to disable retraction Z-lift. Z-lift is a small increase in the Z axis position when retracting.
extruder.module_name.retract_zlift_feedrate 6000 Z-lift feed-rate in millimetres/minute (Note: mm/min NOT mm/sec)
delta_current 1.5 First extruder stepper motor driver (M4) current in Amperes
epsilon_current 1.5 Second extruder stepper motor driver (M5) current in Amperes

Laser Module Configuration

The following table outlines the configuration options for the laser module in Smoothieware:

Option Default Value Description
laser_module_enable true Whether to activate the laser module at all. All configuration is ignored if false. The laser module is used for laser cutting using a laser diode or CO2 laser tube.
laser_module_pwm_pin 2.5 This pin will control the laser. Pulse width will be modulated to vary power output (PWM). Note: PWM is available only on pins 2.0 to 2.5, 1.18, 1.20, 1.21, 1.23, 1.24, 1.26, 3.25 and 3.26.
laser_module_ttl_pin 1.30 This pin turns on when the laser turns on, and off when the laser turns off.
laser_module_maximum_power 0.8 This is the maximum duty cycle that will be applied to the laser. Value is from 0 to 1.
laser_module_minimum_power 0.0 This duty cycle will be used for travel moves to keep the laser active without actually burning. Useful for some diode setups. Value is from 0 to 1.
laser_module_pwm_period 20 PWM frequency expressed as the period in microseconds.
laser_module_proportional_power true Whether the laser power should be proportional to the current speed, so as speed of movement ramps up (and down), laser power is proportionally adjusted, so that the amount of laser power/quantity of photons for a given distance/area is always constant, even if speed has to increase/decrease progressively. This is true by default, but in some situations you might want to disable this feature.
Temperature control    

Temperature Control Options

Option Default Value Description
temperature_control.[module_name].enable true Whether to activate this temperaturecontrol module. You can create as many temperaturecontrol modules as you want, simply by giving a new module a name, and setting its enable option to true.
temperature_control.[module_name].thermistor_pin 0.23 Pin for the thermistor to read. ADC ports TH1 to TH4 are pins 0.23 to 0.26.
temperature_control.[module_name].readings_per_second 20 How many times per second to read temperature from the sensor.
temperature_control.[module_name].pwm_frequency 2000 How many times per second to switch the heating element on or off. Set to a low value (20) if using a Solid State Relay.
temperature_control.[module_name].heater_pin 2.7 Pin that controls the heater. This can be used to control a Mosfet on board or an external Solid State Relay. Set to nc if a readonly thermistor is being defined.
temperature_control.[module_name].thermistor EPCOS100K Set the thermistor model for this module. Several different common models are pre-defined, see here for a list.
temperature_control.[module_name].beta 4066 Manually set the beta value for your thermistor. This is useful if your thermistor is not in the common pre-defined models.
temperature_control.[module_name].r0 100000 Manually set the r0 resistance value for your thermistor. This is useful if your thermistor is not in the common pre-defined models. Besides beta and r0 which are properties of your thermistor, you can also set the r1, r2 and t0 values, but those are properties of your board so they usually never have to be changed.
temperature_control.[module_name].get_m_code 105 Calling this M-code will return the current temperature.
temperature_control.[module_name].set_m_code 104 This is the M-code for simply setting the temperature. For example here, the value is 104 so you use M104 S50 to set this module’s heater’s temperature to 50.
temperature_control.[module_name].set_and_wait_m_code 109 This is the M-code for setting the temperature then waiting for that temperature to be reached before doing anything. For example here, the value is 109 so you use M109 S50 to set this module’s heater’s temperature to 50 and then wait.
temperature_control.[module_name].designator T The letter this module’s temperature will be identified as in the M105 command’s answer. For example here the value is T, so M105 will answer ok T:23.4 /0.0 @0.
temperature_control.[module_name].p_factor 13.7 P factor for PID temperature regulation.
temperature_control.[module_name].i_factor 0.097 I factor for PID temperature regulation.
temperature_control.[module_name].d_factor 24 D factor for PID temperature regulation.
temperature_control.[module_name].max_pwm 64 Maximum PWM value for the heating element. This can be from 0 to 255. 64 is a good value if driving a 12v resistor with 24v. 255 is the default and the normal value if you are using the right voltage for your heating element.
temperature_control.[module_name].bang_bang false Set to true to use bang bang control rather than PID.
temperature_control.[module_name].hysteresis 2.0 Set to the temperature in degrees C to use as hysteresis for bang bang control.
temperature_control.[module_name].i_max 64 Maximum value for the I variable in the PID control. This should usually be set to about the same value as max_pwm (as a rule of thumb, it is not actually a pwm setting). This helps with preventing overshoot when initially heating up. If you get a strong (>10°C) overshoot on startup, try setting this to a value lower than max_pwm.
temperature_control.[module_name].sensor thermistor Set the type of sensor used to read temperature. Values can be thermistor for the usual thermistor reading via ADC method, or max31855 to read values from a thermocouple over SPI. See Reading a thermocouple.
temperature_control.[module_name].chip_select_pin 0.16 If the sensor is set to max31855, sets the chip select pin for the SPI port. This allows you to have multiple sensors sharing the same SPI port, as long as they each get a chip select (CS) pin.
temperature_control.[module_name].spi_channel 0 If the sensor is set to max31855, SPI channel using which to talk to the thermocouple chip.
temperature_control.[module_name].max_temp 100 If set, no temperature above this will be accepted and if the temperature exceeds this value the system will be forced into a HALT state.
temperature_control.[module_name].runaway_heating_timeout 120 If we take longer than this many seconds to heatup, the system will be forced into a HALT state. Set to 0 to disable it. Default is 900 seconds.
temperature_control.[module_name].runaway_cooling_timeout 120 If we take longer than this many seconds to cooldown, the system will be forced into a HALT state. Set to 0 to disable it. Default is disabled.
temperature_control.[module_name].runaway_range 20 If set to non-zero, and the target temperature is reached, and temperature diverges from the target temperature by more than this, the system will be forced into a HALT state.
Parameter Default Description
switch.module_name.enable true Create and enable a new Switch module if set to true. Switch modules use commands or pins as inputs, to send commands or switch pins as output. Note this module is very versatile and can be used to do many different things. Parameters that are not defined will be ignored.
switch.module_name.input_pin 2.11 When this pin becomes high the switch changes to the ON state, and when it becomes low the switch changes to the OFF state. ( see the input_pin_behavior option for more details )
switch.module_name.input_pin_behavior momentary If set to momentary when the input pin becomes high the switch changes to the ON state, and when it becomes low the switch changes to the OFF state. If set to toggle the input pin toggles the switch’s state between ON and OFF.
switch.module_name.input_on_command M106 Calling this command sets the switch ON
switch.module_name.input_off_command M107 Calling this command sets the switch OFF
switch.module_name.subcode 1 the subcode that the input on or input off commands respond to M106.1
switch.module_name.output_on_command abort This command is called when the switch changes to the ON state
switch.module_name.output_off_command resume This command is called when the switch changes to the OFF state
switch.module_name.output_pin 2.6 This pin will be set low when the switch is OFF, and high when the switch is ON
switch.module_name.output_type pwm Sets the type of output for the output_pin, if set to digital the pin can only be low or high, and if set to pwm the pin can be set to any Sigma-Delta PWM value between 0 and 255 using the S parameter, for example : M106 S127. If set to hwpwm will use Real PWM, but the selected output pin must be PWM capable. The S value will be the duty cycle in percent, NOTE the default is none which will disable the output entirely. Can also be set to swpmw for software-emulated ( non-hardware ) pwm, that will be slower, but will not interfere with hardware pwm peripherals like a laser module.
switch.module_name.startup_state false Startup state of the switch. If set to false the module is initialized OFF, if set to true the module is initialized ON
switch.module_name.startup_value 184 Startup value of the switch if the output_type is any kind of pwm. startup_state must be false for this to take effect. It is also the value the hwpwm or swpwm is set to on HALT.
switch.module_name.default_on_value 184 Default on setting value of the switch if the output_type is swpwm or hwpwm. It is also the value the hwpwm or swpwm is set to when startup_state is true
switch.module_name.max_pwm 210 Maximum value for the PWM output. (only used for pwm output type, not for hwpwm)
switch.module_name.pwm_period_ms 20 Period used by the H/W and S/W PWM, 20ms is 50Hz which is the default if not set
switch.module_name.failsafe_set_to 0 0 or 1 what to set the output pin to in case of a crash or HALT condition
switch.module_name.ignore_on_halt false set to true to not set the failsafe or startup_value value when a HALT condition is triggered
Temperature Switch    

TemperatureSwitch Options

The TemperatureSwitch module automatically toggles a Switch module at a specified temperature (read from a TemperatureControl module).

Configuration Options

Option Default Value Description
temperatureswitch.module_name.enable true Create and enable a new TemperatureSwitch module if set to true.
temperatureswitch.module_name.designator T Specify which TemperatureControl module to read temperature from, must match the designator for that module.
temperatureswitch.module_name.switch misc Specify the name of the Switch module to be toggled.
temperatureswitch.module_name.threshold_temp 60 Turn the switch ON above this temperature (in °C), and OFF below this temperature.
temperatureswitch.module_name.heatup_poll 15 Poll temperature at this frequency (in seconds) when heating up.
temperatureswitch.module_name.cooldown_poll 60 Poll temperature at this frequency (in seconds) when cooling down.
temperatureswitch.module_name.trigger level Can be level, rising, falling - level is the default.
temperatureswitch.module_name.inverted false Will turn the switch off when the temp > target and vice versa when set to true.
temperatureswitch.module_name.arm_mcode 1100 M code used to arm the edge triggered switch, e.g., M1100 S1 arms it.
Spindle control    

[!NOTE] This part of the documentation is deprecated. Please refer to the spindle module page instead.

Parameter Value Description
spindle_enable true If set to true, enables the Spindle module, which uses an encoder to PID-control a PWM-modulated spindle motor
spindle_pwm_pin 2.4 Output PWM pin (uses hardware PWM). Note: hardware PWM is available only on pins 2.0 to 2.5, 1.18, 1.20, 1.21, 1.23, 1.24, 1.26, 3.25 and 3.26
spindle_pwm_period 100 PWM period to use in microseconds
spindle_feedback_pin 2.6 Feedback input pin (must be Port 0 or 2, meaning the pin number must be 2.x or 0.x)
spindle_pulses_per_rev 3 Number of feedback pulses per revolution on the feedback input pin
spindle_default_rpm 5000 RPM to use if none given in M3 command, in rotations/minute
spindle_control_P 0.0002 PID P factor (unit is 1 / RPM)
spindle_control_I 0.0001 PID I factor (unit is 1 / ( RPM x seconds ))
spindle_control_D 0.000001 PID D factor (unit is 1 / (R PM / seconds ))
Parameter Default Description
endstops_enable true The endstop module is enabled if this is set to true. All of its parameters are ignored otherwise.
corexy_homing false Set to true if this machine uses a corexy or a h-bot arm solution
delta_homing false Set to true if this machine uses a linear_delta arm solution
rdelta_homing false Set to true if this machine uses a rotary_delta arm solution
scara_homing false Set to true if this machine uses a scara arm solution
alpha_min_endstop 1.24^ Alpha (X axis or alpha tower) minimum limit endstop. Set to nc if not installed on your machine.
alpha_max_endstop 1.25^ Alpha (X axis or alpha tower) maximum limit endstop. Set to nc if not installed on your machine.
alpha_homing_direction home_to_min In which direction to home. If set to home_to_min, homing (using the G28 G-code) will move until it hits the minimum endstop and then set the current position to alpha_min. If set to home_to_max, homing will move until it hits the maximum endstop, and then set the current position to alpha_max
alpha_min 0 This gets loaded after homing when alpha_homing_direction is set to home_to_min and the minimum endstop is hit. NOTE the homing offset is added to this set with M206 Xnnn
alpha_max 200 This gets loaded after homing when alpha_homing_direction is set to home_to_max and the maximum endstop is hit.
alpha_max_travel 500 This determines how far the X axis can travel looking for the endstop before it gives up
beta_min_endstop 1.26^ Beta (Y axis or beta tower) minimum limit endstop. Set to nc if not installed on your machine.
beta_max_endstop 1.27^ Beta (Y axis or beta tower) maximum limit endstop. Set to nc if not installed on your machine.
beta_homing_direction home_to_min In which direction to home. If set to home_to_min, homing (using the G28 G-code) will move until it hits the minimum endstop and then set the current position to beta_min. If set to home_to_max, homing will move until it hits the maximum endstop, and then set the current position to beta_max
beta_min 0 This gets loaded after homing when beta_homing_direction is set to home_to_min and the minimum endstop is hit.
beta_max 200 This gets loaded after homing when beta_homing_direction is set to home_to_max and the maximum endstop is hit.
beta_max_travel 500 This determines how far the Y axis can travel looking for the endstop before it gives up
gamma_min_endstop 1.28^ Gamma (Z axis or gamma tower) minimum limit endstop. Set to nc if not installed on your machine.
gamma_max_endstop 1.29^ Gamma (Z axis or gamma tower) maximum limit endstop. Set to nc if not installed on your machine.
gamma_homing_direction home_to_min In which direction to home. If set to home_to_min, homing (using the G28 G-code) will move until it hits the minimum endstop and then set the current position to gamma_min. If set to home_to_max, homing will move until it hits the maximum endstop, and then set the current position to gamma_max
gamma_min 0 This gets loaded after homing when gamma_homing_direction is set to home_to_min and the minimum endstop is hit.
gamma_max 200 This gets loaded after homing when gamma_homing_direction is set to home_to_max and the maximum endstop is hit.
gamma_max_travel 500 This determines how far the Z axis can travel looking for the endstop before it gives up
homing_order XYZ Optional order in which axis will home, default is XY home at the same time then Z, then A,B,C. If this is set it will force each axis to home one at a time in the specified order. For example XZY means: X axis followed by Z, then Y last. NOTE If an axis is not specified here then it will not be homed at all. If ABC are set they must also be specified if they need to be homed.
alpha_limit_enable false If set to true, the machine will stop if one of the alpha (X axis or alpha tower) endstops are hit
beta_limit_enable false If set to true, the machine will stop if one of the beta (Y axis or beta tower) endstops are hit
gamma_limit_enable false If set to true, the machine will stop if one of the gamma (Z axis or gamma tower) endstops are hit
alpha_fast_homing_rate_mm_s 50 Speed, in millimetres/second, at which to home for the alpha actuator (X axis or alpha tower)
beta_fast_homing_rate_mm_s 50 Speed, in millimetres/second, at which to home for the beta actuator (Y axis or beta tower)
gamma_fast_homing_rate_mm_s 4 Speed, in millimetres/second, at which to home for the gamma actuator (Z axis or gamma tower)
alpha_homing_retract_mm 5 Distance to retract the alpha actuator (X axis or alpha tower) once the endstop is first hit, before re-homing at a slower speed.
beta_homing_retract_mm 5 Distance to retract the beta actuator (Y axis or beta tower) once the endstop is first hit, before re-homing at a slower speed.
gamma_homing_retract_mm 1 Distance to retract the alpha actuator (Z axis or gamma tower) once the endstop is first hit, before re-homing at a slower speed.
alpha_slow_homing_rate_mm_s 25 Speed, in millimetres/second, at which to re-home for the alpha actuator (X axis or alpha tower) once the endstop is hit once.
beta_slow_homing_rate_mm_s 25 Speed, in millimetres/second, at which to re-home for the beta actuator (Y axis or beta tower) once the endstop is hit once.
gamma_slow_homing_rate_mm_s 2 Speed, in millimetres/second, at which to re-home for the gamma actuator (Z axis or gamma tower) once the endstop is hit once.
endstop_debounce_count 100 Debounce each limit switch (not homing endstops) over this number of values. Set to 100 if your endstops are too noisy and give false readings. Used for limit switches only
endstop_debounce_ms 1 Debounce each homing endstop for this number of milliseconds. Set to 1 if your endstops are too noisy and give false readings. Used for homing only
alpha_trim -0.1 DELTA ONLY Software trim for alpha (X axis or alpha tower) stepper endstop (in millimetres). When the endstop is hit, the axis will move this distance towards the endstop (negative values move endstop away from the endstop)
beta_trim -0.1 DELTA ONLY Software trim for beta (Y axis or beta tower) stepper endstop (in millimetres). When the endstop is hit, the axis will move this distance towards the endstop (negative values move endstop away from the endstop)
gamma_trim -0.1 DELTA ONLY Software trim for gamma (Z axis or gamma tower) stepper endstop (in millimetres). When the endstop is hit, the axis will move this distance towards the endstop (negative values move endstop away from the endstop)
move_to_origin_after_home false If set to true, once homing is complete, the machine will move to its origin point
home_z_first false Set to true to home the Z first, otherwise Z homes after XY
Z probe    

Z-Probe Options

The following table lists the configuration options for the Z-probe module:

Option Value Description
zprobe.enable true Set to true to enable the Z-probe module. This is used to scan surfaces, and to calibrate parameters and compensate for non-planar surfaces.
zprobe.probe_pin 1.28!^ Pin the probe is connected to.
zprobe.slow_feedrate 5 Speed in millimetres/second at which the probe seeks a surface.
zprobe.fast_feedrate 100 Speed in millimetres/second at which the probe does fast moves.
zprobe.return_feedrate 50 Speed in millimetres/second at which the probe does the return after a probe.
zprobe.debounce_ms 1 Debounce the probe pin over this number of milliseconds. Set to 1 or 2 if your probe is too noisy and gives false readings.
zprobe.probe_height 5 Distance above the bed at which the probing is started, once the bed’s height is known.
zprobe.max_z 200 Maximum Z (was gamma_max)
zprobe.dwell_before_probing 0.2 Dwell time in seconds before probing. Useful for piezo Z-probe to avoid false trigger.
Leveling strategy    

Z-Probe Options

The following table lists the configuration options for the Z-probe module:

Option Value Description
zprobe.enable true Set to true to enable the Z-probe module. This is used to scan surfaces, and to calibrate parameters and compensate for non-planar surfaces.
zprobe.probe_pin 1.28!^ Pin the probe is connected to.
zprobe.slow_feedrate 5 Speed in millimetres/second at which the probe seeks a surface.
zprobe.fast_feedrate 100 Speed in millimetres/second at which the probe does fast moves.
zprobe.return_feedrate 50 Speed in millimetres/second at which the probe does the return after a probe.
zprobe.debounce_ms 1 Debounce the probe pin over this number of milliseconds. Set to 1 or 2 if your probe is too noisy and gives false readings.
zprobe.probe_height 5 Distance above the bed at which the probing is started, once the bed’s height is known.
zprobe.max_z 200 Maximum Z (was gamma_max)
zprobe.dwell_before_probing 0.2 Dwell time in seconds before probing. Useful for piezo Z-probe to avoid false trigger.
Parameter Value Description
panel.enable true Set to true to enable the panel interface. Panels are a screen, an encoder wheel and/or a set of buttons, used to control your machine.
panel.lcd reprap_discount_glcd Type of panel we are connecting. Each panel has a specific interface so we need to specify which panel we will be connecting. The currently supported panel types are reprap_discount_glcd, st7565_glcd, ssd1306_oled, viki2, mini_viki2 and universal_adapter.
panel.spi_channel 0 SPI channel to use
panel.spi_cs_pin 0.16 CS (Chip Select) pin to use, this can be used to have several different devices on the same SPI port, as long as each device has a separate CS pin. Note that the RRD GLCD panel does not support this and requires being alone on its port.
panel.spi_frequency 500000 SPI port frequency - some panels need it explicitly set
panel.contrast 9 Contrast value for panels that support it (viki2, mini_viki2 and st7565_glcd)
panel.reverse false If set to true, reverse the screen.
panel.busy_pin nc If using the universal_adapter, this pin can be connected to the adapter to ask it if it is busy or not.
panel.a0_pin nc If using a viki or SSD1306 this is needed to drive the C/D pin on the display
panel.rst_pin nc If using an SSD1306 this pin is sometimes required and connects to the reset pin on the display
panel.encoder_a_pin 3.25!^ A pin for the encoder wheel. Encoders have two pins: A and B. Set to nc if you use no encoder. ^ defines menu move direction
panel.encoder_b_pin 3.26!^ B pin for the encoder wheel. Encoders have two pins: A and B. Set to nc if you use no encoder. ^ defines menu move direction
panel.encoder_resolution 2 The number of pulses the encoder emits per detent/click
panel.click_button_pin 1.30!^ Pin for the click (“enter”) button
panel.buzz_pin 1.31 Pin for the buzzer
panel.back_button_pin 2.11!^ Pin for the back button
panel.up_button_pin 0.1! Pin for the up button
panel.down_button_pin 0.0! Pin for the down button
panel.menu_offset 0 On some panels, this value must be set to 1. This is a number of lines to offset the menu lines by on screen.
panel.alpha_jog_feedrate 6000 X jogging feedrate in millimetres/minute. This is used when jogging using the panel screen.
panel.beta_jog_feedrate 6000 Y jogging feedrate in millimetres/minute. This is used when jogging using the panel screen.
panel.gamma_jog_feedrate 200 Z jogging feedrate in millimetres/minute. This is used when jogging using the panel screen.
panel.hotend_temperature 185 Temperature to set the hotend to when using the pre-heating menu item
panel.bed_temperature 60 Temperature to set the bed to when using the pre-heating menu item
panel.external_sd true Set to true if your panel has an external SD card slot, or if you want to connect a second SD card slot to one of your Smoothieboard’s SPI ports
panel.external_sd.spi_channel 0 Set the SPI channel the external SD card is on
panel.external_sd.spi_cs_pin 2.8 Set the CS (Chip Select) pin for the external SD card, this allows you to use multiple devices on the same SPI port, as long as they each have a CS pin
panel.external_sd.sdcd_pin 2.13!^ SD card detect signal pin, set to nc if you don’t use an SD card detect signal
custom_menu.menu_name.enable true When set to true, create a new custom menu entry for the panel with the name menu_name. You can create any number of custom entries as long as they have different names. NOTE menu_name is case sensitive Power_on The name that will be displayed in the panel’s menus
custom_menu.menu_name.command M80_S30|G1_X10 The command that will be executed when the menu entry is selected and clicked. Note that the _ character gets converted to space in the menu and commands (and must be used instead of the space character), and the | character is used to separate multiple commands

Network Options

Option Default Value Description
network.enable true If set to true, enable the Ethernet network services
network.webserver.enable true If set to true, enable the web server service, on port 80, which provides a control and upload web interface
network.telnet.enable true If set to true, enable the telnet service, on port 23, which behaves much like a Serial interface
network.plan9.enable false If set to true, enable the plan9 network filesystem on port 564 which allows mounting the Smoothieboard
network.ip_address auto If set to auto, use DHCP to request an IP address. If set to an IP address, use that address as a static IP.
network.ip_mask If using a static IP, define the mask for the network.
network.ip_gateway If using a static IP, define the gateway for the network.
network.mac_override AB.AB.AB.AB.AB.AB If set, override the MAC address for the Ethernet interface. Only set this if you have a conflict on your network.
network.hostname shapeoko17 Some DHCP servers accept a hostname for the machine, which then allows you to connect to it using that name instead of its IP.