
Editing the Wiki

This documentation is a Wiki, which means anyone can edit it.

Simply click the Edit button at the bottom of every page. The first time you will need to create a Wikidot account, which takes just a minute.

You are very much encouraged to help us improve this documentation.

Even small contributions can have a large impact and make lots of new user’s life easier.

In order to edit the wiki, you will need to learn a few things, like how to write in Wiki Markup language.

You can just write plain text, and it will be displayed, but there are ways to make it more useful :)

It is fairly simple, and you can very easily just copy the way it is done on existing pages.

A good starting point is the Wikidot Wiki Syntax documentation.

A few examples


You can just write text and it will be displayed as-is.

To make sure lines are separated, leave an empty line between them, like this:

You can just write text and it will be displayed as-is.

To make sure lines are separated, leave an empty line between them, like this:


You can add headers to structure your page (like on this page), by doing:

## Header

The number of + signs determines how big the header is, the page title has one + sign, and the rest get more and more as they go deeper.

To insert a link into a page, simply do:

This is a link: [link name](

To insert a link to a page on the wiki itself, do:

This is a link to the [Editing the wiki](/smoothieware-website-v1/editing-the-wiki.html) page.


To insert an image, do:

<img src="/images/external/" alt="Example Image">

A nicer way of integrating images is to do the following:

<div class='panel panel-default wrap_right' style='width:450px;padding:10px '>
  <div class='panel-heading'><h4 class='panel-title'>A laser power supply</h4></div>
  <img src='/images/external/' width='430px'><br/>
  They use very high voltages and are dangerous

Which gives you a box, labels, and float control.

Note that you can change the floats to middle to make the image centered, or left to make it float to the left.


If you are mentioning a G-code or a configuration option, we have a special syntax that makes it look like this, simply do:

The `G1` G-code is pretty cool.


To insert code into the page, you can use the special code tag:

# This is redundant
Some code

It will be formatted as mono-space, and will not be interpreted as Wiki markup.


We have a special syntax for “notes” that makes nice colored boxes, like this:

[!SUCCESS] Shiny box With lots of yummy information

The syntax is:

> **Shiny box**
> With lots of yummy information

You can change the color of the box by changing bs-callout-success to other values:

Table of contents

If the page has many headers, you can add a table of contents to it to make it easier to navigate, by doing:


You can right-justify it by doing:


Here is what it looks like:



You can make nicely formatted lists by doing:

- Item one
- Item two
- Item three

They then look like this:


You can insert raw HTML into the page by doing:

<h1>Custom HTML</h1>
<p>Something else</p>
<img src="/images/anything.png" alt="hello ;-)">

This is in particular useful to insert Youtube videos and the like.

Page formatting

The Smoothie wiki uses Bootstrap for formatting, which means you can use its nice features to make your pages look nicer.

For example, you can format your page with two columns:

One column
Another column

You do this by writing:

One column
Another column