
List of Smoothie Firmware Errors

Error Number Cause Solution Parameters
1 Invalid configuration line Check there is no typo or other syntax error for that line The line for which there is an error
2 Configuration line has no value Check why Smoothie can not find a value for that line The line for which there is no value found
3 A line was too long The line was truncated, check why it is so long The line that was found to be too long
4 Unable to find included config file Check the config file exists and there is no typo The file name for the included config file
5 No config file found Make sure there is actually a config file to be found  
6 Calling value after config cache has been cleared This shouldn’t happen, if it does please contact the dev team on GitHub  
7 Duplicate config line replaced A config line is present twice in the config file, the second one overwrote the first one Value of the config option
8 Could not find this config setting A config setting is required but not found in your config  
9 Config option is not a valid number A syntax error makes it so a number cannot be read, check values for errors Value and checksums for this option
10 Config option is not a valid integer A syntax error makes it so an integer cannot be read, check values for errors Value and checksums for this option
11 A motor is not defined in config Make sure the motor which’s letter is given is defined in the config The letter for the problematic motor
12 Motor doesn’t match index A motor has been declared but doesn’t have the right index Motor number, index number
13 Too many motors Reduce the number of motors, or increase k_max_actuators and recompile  
14 Actuator rate (max speed times steps per millimeter) exceeds base step frequency Set the rate for this motor lower Actuator number, requested rate, rate it was finally set to
15 A soft endstop was hit Retract from the soft endstop and send M999 or reset The axis endstop that was hit
17 Homing cycle failed Check if the max_travel setting isn’t too large, or if there isn’t a mechanical problem  
18 Laser pin chosen isn’t hardware-pwm-capable Choose a pin that is hardware-pwm capable for your laser PWM pin (P2.0 - P2.5, P1.18, P1.20, P1.21, P1.23, P1.24, P1.26, P3.25, P3.26 only) The pin number currently chosen
20 Probe failed or not run Make sure everything is alright with your probe system  
21 Spindle pin chosen isn’t hardware-pwm-capable Choose a pin that is hardware-pwm capable for your spindle PWM pin (P2.0 - P2.5, P1.18, P1.20, P1.21, P1.23, P1.24, P1.26, P3.25, P3.26 only) The pin number currently chosen
22 Spindle pin chosen isn’t hardware-pwm-capable Choose a pin that is hardware-pwm capable for your spindle PWM pin (P2.0 - P2.5, P1.18, P1.20, P1.21, P1.23, P1.24, P1.26, P3.25, P3.26 only) The pin number currently chosen
23 Spindle feedback pin must be on port 0 or port 2 Make sure your spindle feedback pin looks like P0.xx or P2...  
24 No valid spindle type defined Make sure you typed the spindle type correctly, check configuration to make sure  
26 Selected switch output pin is not hardware-pwm-capable Choose a pin that is hardware-pwm capable for your switch PWM pin (P2.0 - P2.5, P1.18, P1.20, P1.21, P1.23, P1.24, P1.26, P3.25, P3.26 only)  
27 Autopid did not resolve within the allotted number of cycles Something is wrong with your PID autotuning, maybe check your parameters The number of cycles tried
30 Max temp or min temp triggered on a temperature control module Check that the specified module is alright, for example, check the thermistor connection for shorts or problems The designator for this temp control module
31 Temperature reading unreliable Check that the specified module is alright, for example, check the thermistor connection for shorts or problems The designator for this temp control module
32 Temperature took too long to be reached Check the heater is alright, and if it is, you need to adjust your temperature safety parameters Designator for this temp control module
33 Temperature runaway Check this heater is alright, and if it is, you need to adjust your temperature safety parameters Designator for this temp control module, delta in temperature that caused the error to trigger
34 Thermistor config needs 6 numbers for Steinhart-Hart Provide the right configuration for your thermistor  
35 Thermistor config needs 3 Steinhart-Hart coefficients Provide the right configuration for your thermistor  
36 Thermistor config needs rt_curve, coefficients, beta or a valid predefined thermistor defined Provide the right configuration for your thermistor  
37 Negative coefficient in calculate_steinhart_hart_coefficients Something may be wrong with the measurements  
38 Beta cannot be 0 Set your temperature control thermistor beta to a value above zero  
39 The config is bad for this temperature sensor Check your thermistor configuration options  
40 No switch specified for temperature switch module Define a switch module as the target of your temperature switch module  
45 You used the T command with an invalid tool number Only use tools that exist The number of the tool that was requested
50 Invalid config, x_size and y_size must be defined Define these options  
51 Not enough memory in grid strategy Modify config to use less memory or otherwise free memory  
52 Unable to save grid in only_by_two_corners mode Don’t try to do this  
53 No grid to save Only save grids that exist  
54 Unable to save grid with size different from configured Only save grids with the same size as you configured  
55 Failed to open grid file Make sure the file exists The name of the grid file
56 Failed to write grid x size Make sure your SD card is ok  
57 Failed to write grid y size Make sure your SD card is ok  
58 Failed to write x_size Make sure your SD card is ok  
59 Failed to write y_size Make sure your SD card is ok  
60 Failed to write grid Make sure your SD card is ok  
62 Failed to open grid Make sure your SD card is ok  
63 Failed to read grid size Make sure your SD card is ok  
64 Grid size x is different in config and in the file read Make sure config and grid file match Loaded grid size, configured grid size
66 Grid size y is different in config and in the file read Make sure config and grid file match Loaded grid size, configured grid size
67 Failed to read grid x size Make sure your SD card is ok  
68 Failed to read grid y size Make sure your SD card is ok  
69 Bed dimensions changed Read bed dimensions and config bed dimensions are different X size read, Y size read, X size in config, Y size in config
70 Failed to read grid Make sure your SD card is ok  
71 Need at least a 5x5 grid to probe Make sure your grid is at least 5x5  
74 Probe failed to complete Check the initial probe height and/or initial_height settings  
76 Finding bed failed Check the initial height setting  
77 Calibration failed to complete Check the initial probe height and/or initial_height settings  
80 Could not get current trim Check if endstops are enabled  
81 Probe was not repeatable Improve your probe or reduce your probing tolerance The distance to which the probe was not repeatable
83 Trim did not resolve to within required parameters   The trim delta
85 Delta radius did not resolve to within required parameters   Resolution target
87 No grid to save Make sure you have a grid before trying to save it  
88 Failed to open grid file Make sure the file exists The name of the grid file
89 Failed to write grid size Make sure your SD card is ok  
90 Failed to write grid radius Make sure your SD card is ok  
91 Failed to write grid Make sure your SD card is ok  
94 Grid size is different in config and in the file read Make sure config and grid file match Loaded grid size, configured grid size
95 Failed to read grid radius Make sure your SD card is ok  
96 Grid radius is different in config and in file Check your config and your file Radius in file, Radius in config
98 Need at least a 5x5 grid to probe Make sure your grid is at least 5x5  
99 Is_square has been removed Use the new rectangular_grid strategy instead  
100 Probe failed to complete Check the initial probe height and/or initial_height settings  
105 Finding bed failed Check the maxz and initial height settings  
106 Probe failed to complete, probe not triggered or other error There is probably something wrong with your probe  
107 Only 3 probe points allowed P0-P2 Check your three-point config  
110 Probe is not within tolerance Check your probe Tolerance
111 ZProbe pin not configured Configure a zprobe pin  
112 ZProbe triggered before move, aborting command Make sure your probe isn’t triggered when you start a probe  
113 ZProbe not triggered Make sure your zprobe can trigger correctly  
114 No strategy found to handle a Gcode Make sure this strategy supports this Gcode The Gcode
120 Probe fail Check your probe  
125 Kill button pressed    
126 Overtemperature shutdown Your stepper driver is getting too hot Motor designator
127 Channel A over current shutdown Your stepper driver is in over-current Motor designator
128 Channel B over current shutdown Your stepper driver is in over-current Motor designator
129 Channel A predriver fault Your stepper driver had a predriver fault Motor designator
130 Channel B predriver fault Your stepper driver had a predriver fault Motor designator
131 Overtemperature Prewarning Your driver might get too hot very soon Motor designator
132 Overtemperature Shutdown Your driver is too hot Motor designator
133 SHORT to ground on channel A Your driver has a short Motor designator
134 SHORT to ground on channel B Your driver has a short Motor designator
135 Channel A seems to be unconnected Your driver is disconnected Motor designator
136 Channel B seems to be unconnected Your driver is disconnected Motor designator
137 MotorDriverControl error: axis not defined    
138 MotorDriverControl error: axis must be one of XYZABC    
139 MotorDriverControl error: chip select not defined Define your chip select pin The axis name
140 MotorDriverControl error: chip type not defined Define a chip type The axis name
141 MotorDriverControl error: Unknown chip type Check your chip type The axis name
142 MotorDriverControl error: Unknown SPI Channel Check the SPI channel The axis name
145 Motor driver alarm There is something wrong with the driver  
150 Not enough memory available for panel frame buffer Free some RAM before using panel  
151 Bad SPI channel for external SDCard Check your SPI channel  
200 SD card not initializing Check if the SD card is correctly inserted, the state of the SD card socket, and maybe try reformatting the card  
201 Not enough room in line to insert value Try editing the configuration file manually instead of using commands The setting you tried to edit
215 A hard endstop was hit Retract from the hard endstop and send M999 or reset The axis endstop that was hit