
G28 G-code

G28 G-code

G28 means “seek the endstops for each axis, stop once they are found and this position is now the origin for the machine”.

This G-code is specific to Reprap and does not conform to the normal G-code standard.


The command is used as such:

G28 X10 Y10

Which means: move until you hit the X and Y endstops, then set the current X position to 10 and the Y position to 10.

You can also use the Gcode without any parameters:


Which is equivalent to doing:

G28 X0 Y0 Z0


Parameter Usage Example
X Move until you hit this endstop then set the position in this axis to this value G28 X0
Y Move until you hit this endstop then set the position in this axis to this value G28 Y0
Z Move until you hit this endstop then set the position in this axis to this value G28 Z0


See the Endstops module documentation.


This page assumes you are using a cartesian machine.

If you are using a Delta machine, then you cannot individually home axes.

Instead, all “actuators” are homed together to the top of the machine, which sets you at the top of the Z work area, and at the center of the XY work area.

Further reading

These resources are used as references for Gcode: