
SmoothiePanel Beta

SmoothiePanel is an Open Source Hardware integrated PanelMax. The goal is to bring a 20x4 Character Display with RGB Backlight, RGB illuminated click-encoder, and illuminated Play and Back buttons down to a single I2C port. The basic interface panel supports an illuminated pause button, an illuminated back button, an RGB Click Encoder, a Wii Nunchuck, and lots of extra io! It is intended to control a Smoothieboard ( GPL too ), though could easily be connected to any system with available I2C.

The original plan to use an ARM Cortex-M0 MCU has been put on hold until the open source tool-chain is ready. A new beta version has just been prototyped based on i2c port expanders from NXP:


Smoothiepanel Beta Accessorized


The current status of this board is prototyping: I’m now on the beta version of the board. It is fully functional and basic code has been merged into the edge branch of Smoothieboard! Going with a system that didn’t require its own firmware really sped things along. Smoothiepanel lives!!

Getting one

There are currently a couple prototypes of the beta Smoothiepanel still available! There are a LOT of options in building one, if you would like one of the prototypes email me ( reprap at logxen dot com ) and if there are still any proto PCBs left I will send you a price list back for configuring your kit.

Or you can simply make yourself known by emailing here ( reprap at logxen dot com ) and you’ll be added to the list of interested people. No strings attached, it’s just to help us plan.