In Smoothie, when connected to your board via Serial, in the same way that you can send Gcodes, you can also send some commands to manipulate the firmware's behavior and get information.

Here are the different commands, grouped by module.


Not all of the console commands are documented here, feel free to add any that have been missed.


Pronterface requires that you prefix your commands with the @ character.

So for example if you want to use the help command, send : 


On other hosts you can use M1000 command


SimpleShell is a small unix-like shell module that allows you to browse the file system ( SD card or other ) and act on files


Give a list of commands

Here is an example output ( as of April 2016 )

mem [-v]
ls [-s] [folder]
cd folder
cat file [limit] [-d 10]
rm file
mv file newfile
play file [-v]
progress - shows progress of current play
abort - abort currently playing file
reset - reset smoothie
dfu - enter dfu boot loader
break - break into debugger
config-get [<configuration_source>] <configuration_setting>
config-set [<configuration_source>] <configuration_setting> <value>
get [pos|wcs|state|status|fk|ik]
get temp [bed|hotend]
set_temp bed|hotend 185
load [file] - loads a configuration override file from soecified name or config-override
save [file] - saves a configuration override file as specified filename or as config-override
upload filename - saves a stream of text to the named file
calc_thermistor [-s0] T1,R1,T2,R2,T3,R3 - calculate the Steinhart Hart coefficients for a thermistor
thermistors - print out the predefined thermistors
md5sum file - prints md5 sum of the given file

Note : Smoothie now also supports GRBL-like commands like ? and ! ( when in grbl mode ) :


ls [-s] [folder]

List the files in the current folder ( if no folder parameter is passed ) or list them in the folder passed as a parameter ( can be absolute or relative ).

The -s parameter will also return the file sizes.


ls relative/path
ls /sd/absolute/path
ls -s /sd/

Example output of a ls -s /sd/ command : 

config 21080
firmware.cur 284520 7500020
webif/ 20140


cd folder

Change the current folder to the folder passed as a parameter ( can be absolute or relative ).


cd relative/path
cd /sd/absolute/path


cat file [limit]

Outputs the content of the file given as a parameter to the standard output ( limited to number of limit lines if that parameter is passed ).


cat filename
cat filename 10


play file [-v]

Executes a file line by line as if each line were received on the serial console, and sends any output to the standard output.
appending -v will print the commands executed to the console.


play /sd/gcode_file -v
play list_of_configuration_changes

See the specific documentation at the Player page.


Displays the current status of execution of the play command

Example :


Example output :

0 % complete, elapsed time: 31 s, est time: 326055 s



Stops an execution of play

Stopping Smoothie

These are the different ways of stopping Smoothie :

Command G-code Movement Heaters File playing Recoverable Documentation Explanation
abort M26 Stops an SDCARD print immediately Not affected Aborts Position maintained, but file must be restarted Player Stops the execution of a file being played from SDCARD, it will complete the current gcode, but stop immediately after that, the rest of the queued commands are discarded. It attempts to maintain the correct position after the abort.
suspend M600 Stops once queue is empty Turned off if option enabled (default) Paused, can be resumed Yes, with resume or M601, position maintained Player Suspends the execution of a file being played from SDCARD or being streamed from a host (upstream support required currently pronterface and octoprint support it, otherwise host needs to be manually paused), all state is saved and jogging and extruding is allowed. Mainly used for mid print filament change, or filament out detection. M601 resumes the print or the resume command
No command, but there is a configurable «kill» button M112 Stops instantly if kill button pressed, if issued from host has to wait for the receive buffer to have room. Turned off aborted No, position is lost, home will be required supported-g-codes Instantly stops all operations, printer fully halts until M999 is sent. Position is lost.

If the kill button is pressed (or there is a temperature fault, M112 is issued, a limit switch is hit or other error) the system enters the Halt state, in this state the play led flashes, and the state can be cleared by issuing M999 or holding the flashing kill button for 2 seconds (it can also be cleared from the LCD panel). While in the Halt state any command issued from the host will get a !! response (with a few exceptions). The PSU may be turned off when Halt is entered if there is a psu Switch defined.

All commands can be triggered by a button or a sensor if a Switch module is configured to do so.


mem -v

Returns information about RAM usage

Example output of a mem command :

Unused Heap: 8396 bytes
Used Heap Size: 18252
Allocated: 12156, Free: 4744
Total Free RAM: 13140 bytes
Free AHB0: 13152, AHB1: 10440



Breaks into MRI debugging mode


Displays network information ( like your IP address )

Example :


Example output of a net command : 

IP Addr:
IP mask:
MAC Address: 00:1F:11:02:04:20


Removes a file

rm filename

Example : 

rm /sd/file.gcode


Shows the current folder



Will suspend a print in progress it does the following…

1. send pause to upstream host, or pause if printing from sd
2. wait for empty queue
3. save the current position, extruder position, temperatures - any state that would need to be restored
4. retract by specified amount either on command line or in config - not implemened yet
5. turn off heaters. (unless the config has leave_heaters_on_suspend true)
6. optionally run after_suspend gcode (set in config defines gcode to run eg. after_suspend G91G0E20G90)

User may jog or remove and insert filament at this point, extruding or retracting as needed.


Will resume a suspended print it does the following…

1. restore the temperatures and wait for them to get up to temp
2. optionally run before_resume gcode if specified
3. restore the position it was at and E and any other saved state
4. resume sd print or send resume upstream


Prints a list of thermistor presets known to Smoothie with their numerical IDs.


The config module is in charge of storing and retrieving configuration values ( in/from the config file, see Configuring Smoothie ).
It also provides a few commands to manipulate those values.


config-get [<configuration_source>] <configuration_setting>

Outputs the value of this configuration setting to the standard output. The value is taken from the config file.

<configuration_source>: This optional parameter selects where to read the value from. Valid sources are 'local' and 'sd'. Leaving this parameter out will read the current live settings in use.

<configuration_setting>: This parameter selects which value should be read.

config-get acceleration


config-set <configuration_source> <configuration_setting> <value>

Changes the value of this configuration setting to the value passed as a parameter.
Note: This command cannot currently "insert" characters, and just replaces ones that are already present. So if the new value has a length that would require inserting characters not to go over the end of the line, it will be refused. This is why all the lines in your config file must have extra whitespace ( which are very useful to get nicely formated comment columns, see Configuring Smoothie ).

<configuration_source>: This parameter selects where to write the value to. Valid sources are 'firm' and 'sd'.

<configuration_setting>: This parameter selects which value should be set.

<value>: The value to write.

config-set sd acceleration 1000


config-load  load|unload|dump|checksum

<load>: will load the config cache - used for testing
<unload>: will free the config cache - used for testing
<dump>: will dump the config cache showing the checksums - used for testing
<checksum>: will calcualte and display the checksum for the given key

config-load dump